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Old 01-15-2019, 06:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Burnette View Post
You would lose that bet my friend! If my numbers come up I'll fly us both over the pond and we'll get this straight.

Just like here, Euro results would be the same, ask customers who Sagan is, ask them what bike he's riding, as what's the name of the race he is in, ask who came in second and what bike he was one. Most won't get past the first question.
Seems we go around with this every few weeks..All I know(and I know anecdotally) is from the gent that owns Curve, spends about 3-4 months per year in Italy, Hungry, Belgium and he says he sees Giant/Trek/Spec-ed/Cannondale 'race bikes' a BUNCH of people who ride current team kit..VERY common..You see this at almost every televised bike race in Europe..a bunch of guys on the side of the road in Bora team kit, as an example. Just like the people in the US wear 'team' jerseys when they go to that 'ball sport' stadium..
There's nearly nuthin comparable with cycling in the US and Europe(or Japan, for that matter)..Cycling is YUGE in Europe..where in the US, it's a fringe sport..
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