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Old 12-29-2018, 07:14 PM
bikinchris bikinchris is offline
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Originally Posted by hokoman View Post
Just bringing this to the front because I received an email about their 'slow' holiday and encouraging people to buy $20 gift certificates with a sob story. I don't know how they raised that much funding the first time around - what's that saying? fool me once...

The bike industry has changed and we've watched a lot of shops close shop. They need to change their business model (I get it, it's easier to say than do), or we're going to get the same email in 6 months... Best wishes to them.
Just like shops that deal only with women or high end bikes, he has to realize that focusing on people who want friction shifting and ride flat pedals is too narrow. Even for internet sales. IMO, he need to try to widen his price ranges and actually try to appeal to fitness riders (you know those dern lycra wearing people) and index shifting. His quixotic idea of the ideal rider is just not going to make enough money. Of course everything I have read coming from him in the past would set him up to being called a hypocrite if he does.
Forgive me for posting dumb stuff.
Little Rock, AR