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Old 12-14-2018, 06:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Davist View Post
VERY very true, the nuclear question is about will more than anything. Even Fukishima is 2 generations behind current designs (and not that great a design, as per OP). In US our nuclear engineers are rare, and nonexistent (well other than USN) under 60+ years old. This could have been solved by continuing to build generation... rather than stopping everything in the 70s (literally every type of power plant..)
Modern Nuclear 'pocket' reactors, like those in USN CVs and submarines, are VERY safe and VERY modern. That technology coupled with proven ways to recycle and reuse the nuclear material, could provide clean, emissions free energy for many, many years BUT..the political will isn't there, coupled with a white house and congress who are bought and paid for by 'BigEnergy'...
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