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Old 11-06-2018, 08:30 AM
ptourkin ptourkin is offline
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Originally Posted by stackie View Post
Nicely explained.

I’d only add to do the Weiss distribution technique. Take a single serve yogurt container and cut it to fit into your PF basket. After you’ve ground into your basket, put the yogurt container into the basket to keep grounds from falling out and stir with a dissecting tool or something similar. It really does make a difference.

Also, maybe weigh your coffee after you grind to ensure that you are really getting your desired weight, not more or less due to grinder retention.

Grabbing a yogurt today to try this. Just pulled my first shot with a bottomless and the result was good but I had spray, which I understand to come from clumping/poor tamping. The Rocky does clump.

Related: What would happen if I dosed a double into the triple basket? Can this reduce spraying from closeness to the screen or would it impact the pressure?

Last edited by ptourkin; 11-06-2018 at 08:59 AM.
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