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Old 10-10-2018, 10:58 AM
benb benb is offline
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Still sticking with Moka Pot + French Press + Hario V60.

All really simple. Hario hand grinder and I've got a digital scale. The digital scale seems really key for the pourover methods. I was never that happy with pourover till I got the scale.

The Moka pot is dead simple. IMO it has a pretty high tolerance for the range of grind. I have the 3 Cup one. 14-16g of beans, grind them fairly fine, fill water to the line. Put the coffee in the basket, you distribute it with you finger to fill all the spots but don't really pack it in. Stick it on a gas stove on the smallest burner. For me it's the really small simmer burner on about 45% power (gas stove). Turn it off right before the bubbles start coming out.

I often use a little plunger style milk foamer to make a cappucino style moka drink.. plunge for 10-15 seconds and then stick it in the microwave for 30 seconds.. pour the coffee out of the moka pot, add sugar if desired, stir, then pour the hot milk in, then put the foam on top. Works really well if you've got a good dark bean.

Then you take it all apart and clean it in about 1 minute when you're done drinking your coffee.. best part about it.

There are lots of video tutorials on Moka pots on Youtube, often from Italians as they seem to swear by them for home use as opposed to us Americans buying the zillion dollar home espresso makers.. it should not be hard to figure it out watching them.

I would not bother personally to get a real espresso machine unless I got really into drinking straight espresso shots. About half the coffee shots I go in their espresso is no better than what I get out of the Moka pot. Straight espresso shots is just not my thing though.

Last edited by benb; 10-10-2018 at 11:01 AM.
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