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Old 07-23-2018, 05:23 PM
jumphigher's Avatar
jumphigher jumphigher is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Richmond VA area
Posts: 371
Originally Posted by cabbagelookin View Post
* real name, if you like - Jules
* where do you live? Philadelphia (originally from Lancashire, UK)
* explanation of your handle - it's from a northern English expression, "you're not as green as you are cabbage looking". Rough translation: you're not as stupid as you look.
* explanation of your avatar - one of my cats
* age (general or specific) - just hit 40
* occupation - veterinarian by training but now in marketing
* favorite bike - Firefly custom
* what's in your stable? Firefly all road, All City Nature Boy 853 disc, All City Mr. Pink, Ritchey BreakAway, Stanton Slackline 27.5, Quiring 29er, Cannondale R1000 tandem, Raleigh Furley, Cannondale CAAD10 and a few more project frames
* fastest speed on a road bike? where? when? 55+ on gravel roads in PA. My favorite thing to do.
* how many miles ON THE ROAD on a road bike last year? 5000ish
* picture of yourself or your ride? See below - Hilly Billy Roubaix this year
* favorite time to ride? love a crisp 55 to 60 degree, sunny morning

I dig that 'northern English expression' that your screen name came from..
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