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Old 07-06-2018, 12:20 PM
Mark McM Mark McM is online now
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Originally Posted by Dude View Post
Regardless of whether disc brakes should be on road bikes or not (they should), Sagan can ride w h a t e v e r he wants. He's not riding discs because Specialized told him to, he's riding them because he's a great bike rider and finds discs perform better for reasons.
Are you sure that is the only reason?

In the past, bicycle product manufacturers have offered bonuses for riders that win races using specific products. These agreements are obviously to develop advertising opportunities, and are generally nto public knowledge. How can you be sure that there are no such bonuses being offered for riders who win using disc brake bikes? (Personally, I'd be more surprised if there aren't such agreements in place for the latest new bike introductions.)

(In a related comment: Olympic athletes often talk about wanting to win models for the glory of their country. What they don't mention is that the USOC and most other national Olympic committees also offer substantial cash bonuses for every medal won. For all top level sporting events, winning is about far more than just athletic glory - there's usually a big direct financial element as well.)
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