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Old 06-16-2018, 09:00 AM
unterhausen unterhausen is offline
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Originally Posted by batman1425 View Post
In reality, I think a sizable portion of the amateur road riding population would be functionally happy with a 1X road setup. I'd say 95-97% of my road riding could be satisfied with a 48T ring and an 11-36 cassette.
I would say this is true for the vast majority of riders. I'm riding road on a 46-11 high gear. My gravel bike has a 42-11 high gear, and that's really enough for my riding. 42-11 is higher than the classic 52-14 that was the high gear that most of us had available when I started riding.

I was looking at going 1x for my randonneuring climbing bike, but that was before the advent of ridiculously big cassettes and I didn't think I could get a low enough gear in combo with a high enough gear. Now I could probably get it to work. Not sure I really want to do it though, 2x is fine for me. OTOH, I was recently about 100 miles into a cold, rainy ride and had to use my whole arm to shift my fd because my fingers were frozen. My mind immediately went to 1x experiments.
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