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Old 05-23-2018, 11:05 PM
PapaScottsy PapaScottsy is offline
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Originally Posted by Louis View Post
Dude, buy what you want to buy, but let me assure you that this is a completely irrational reason to not buy a bicycle with a CF frame.
Fair enough. I’m used to fooling around on my way to work, jumping speed humps, bunny hopping over things and the like. While on my test rides I was disappointed to find my ability to do those kind of things lacking, but in all fairness its probably just not from me not knowing (where the line is in regards to the limits of) the bikes. The first speed hump I hit doing like 25 might as well have been a speed bump or even a small curb and I nearly got high sided.

A couple of weeks ago I inadvertently jumped over a railroad crossing and to be honest don’t know if I would have gotten away with it, not on a ti (or equally forgiving) frame. Again, I’ve taken your statement into consideration, but (knowing it’s NOT suspension) I’m excited to try some of the more compliance inducing (even if it’s just marketing snake oil) technologies from Trek and Specialized.
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