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Old 04-23-2018, 12:30 PM
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AngryScientist AngryScientist is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: northeast NJ
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the northeast definitely has it's charms, and plenty of access to outdoor activities, but i find myself enamored with California, and the upper PNW also.

there is literally just a couple lifetimes worth of stuff to see, ride and explore.

even though california may be very crowded in parts, it's still very much possible to get lost an not see another soul for days. also, as some know i'm in the power business, and work often with the irrigation districts of various states and understand the water challenges facing the state.

anyway, to keep the positive vibes rolling in this thread, the great news is that Pliny IPA was on tap in lots of places, which is delicious. and! i bought this awesome water bottle at Mike's Bikes.

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