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Old 04-10-2018, 08:13 PM
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metalheart metalheart is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: The Northwoods, Wisconsin
Posts: 831
I have fly fished for about 40 years, mostly stream fishing for trout and salmon and some fishing for bass, muskie, and assorted lake fish. My work took me to some spectacular fishing spots in Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Florida and elsewhere.

In my later fishing years, much to my surprise, I became passionate about salt water fly fishing and especially permitt and bonefish. Tarpon were ok for me, but I found stalking permitt was something that pulled me to Belize and Honduras time after time. Some of my fondest memories are standing waist deep in turquoise water on Bread and Butter Caye in Belize with a permitt fin swimming toward me and I could hardly breathe with the anticipation of a cast. And, then there were those trips to Alaska, usually in September, with a wind whipped rain in my face, throwing a Pink Pollywog to rising silver salmon who readily took the fly on the surface. And, then there was that one special day in Montana on a small stream in the middle of summer when I took a break from work and found a bend in the river and caught cutthroat trout until my arm could throw no more. Wonderful days and memories.

My right shoulder has finally exceeded the manufactures warranty and there is a second upcoming surgery to help, but it seems my days of casting for hours to trout, permitt, and salmon are in the past. Fly fishing has been an enriching experience that I regret is in the past.

I plan to divest of most of my fishing gear, starting with some reels, a spectacular Dave McNeese 7-8 weight reel, some Abel trout and Big Game reels, and some other trout reels, including an Ari Hart with some spare spools. I would like to see these pass on to folks who appreciate fine gear, like the folks here. If anyone is interested, PM me for details.
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