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Old 02-28-2018, 01:24 PM
bfd bfd is offline
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Originally Posted by raygunner View Post
It's amazing & awesome to see how many pitched in & helped out Riv.

But personally I never want to see a mention of their finances again. This include payroll, exchange rates, cash flow, etc.
There was a guy selling chainrings at a really low price. My buddy and I bought a 130bcd 46t triplizer and a 74bcd 30t chainring for like $20 plus shipping. It was a good deal, but I didn't realize that the seller was pledging all the money to Riv?! So he contributed $600 towards their cause.

Will it help? Definitely. Will they continue to do this, probably. Riv really needs to bring in their accountant and figure out not only their inventory, but direction of what they want to do. I didn't realize they now have 13 employees?! That seem like a lot - too much?!

Also, they make some strange looking bikes that apparently has a following. But the double top tube thing or bikes with no top tube look cheap and don't seem like serious bikes.

Good Luck To Riv!