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Old 02-01-2018, 10:52 AM
Clean39T Clean39T is offline
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Originally Posted by AngryScientist View Post
agreed charlie.

probably, the absolute low low end walmart quality is too low for serious riding, but i think most folks on this forum would consider a mix of oem brand house and tiagra kit pretty "cheap".
Yes, yes I would..

The other consideration though is that the lower end components simply don't perform as well over time or last as long as the upper-end stuff...specifically when it comes to the intricate parts like shifters/derailleurs/brakes and hubs/BBs. And I think that is why it is worth it to pay up for the good stuff in those areas if you're going to put serious miles in...and if you need to save some scratch, do it in the cassette and chain. Honestly though, not that much room to save there either...

And with the second-hand market being as good as it is, why save $100 to buy a lower-end model frameset that's going to depreciate twice as fast (assuming initial depreciation has already occurred) as the top end model?

I guess what I'm saying is...if I only had $1K to spend on a bike...or $500...I'd spend it on a used/vintage ride with upper-end parts any day over a new bike off the showroom floor.

I'll stop preaching to the choir now.
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