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Old 01-06-2018, 06:59 AM
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oldpotatoe oldpotatoe is offline
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Originally Posted by JDino View Post
honestly the warranty depends on the relationship you have with your LBS...if you just walk in there with a broken shifter and ask them to do a bunch of legwork to get you a free replacement, you may piss them off. Also, they're going to ask you how old the shifter is so if it's over a year old, you may be SOL.

If a customer we didnt know walked into the shop with a bike we didnt sell them and asked us to do a warranty, we probably would tell them SRAM wouldn't do anything and just order a replacement for them.

also, you can buy replacement parts for sram shifters but by the time you get the thing apart and try to replace a paddle, you're going to wish you just bought a new shifter, which can probably be replaced for $100 or less.
Really? Business reduction program at work. Why not say, sure, we;ll call, do the leg work, get a new warranty lever, install(for a fee, of course) and GAIN a customer..I hope your shop doesn't wonder why your biz is down...

PLUS, sram doesn't offer small lever replacement parts in spite of what they 'claimed' when these first came out.
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