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Old 12-24-2017, 08:48 AM
bigbill bigbill is offline
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Originally Posted by oldpotatoe View Post
I agree on the engineering degree..USNA one of the best. In any field he goes for in the USN, a technical degree will help(and may be required). Even when just developing 'monkey skills' flying a jet.

Since you were a 'Nuke', did you get to have the 'Rickover' experience?

Good luck to him, with 2 nominations, I think he has a very good chance.

Ahh, the MXL...4 inches of snow on the ground and about 10 degrees right now..dark, cold..don't like this time of year..I call Nov-Feb the 'black months'...
Rickover died while I was in Nuclear Power School in 1986. I didn't have to see the director (4 Star) until 1999 when I was selected for LDO. I got to see Admiral Skip Bowman, the tannest man alive. He stayed beyond the standard 6 year tour and later on, I worked for his successor Adm Donald when I managed the closure of the NATO base on the island of Santo Stefano, Sardinia. His successor was tapped to be the CNO after a few years.

I think my son has a good chance, the Congressional nomination kind of took some pressure off him. The Presidential nomination was just because I was retired, the Congressional was earned by him and he did it by doing leadership programs, writing essays, and giving speeches to VFW and American Legion. He also got support from a retired USMC General, Paul Van Riper who achieved fame in 2002 by sinking the US Fleet in an exercise where he was the leader of country Orange (Iran).
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