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Old 10-10-2017, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Epicus07 View Post
What characteristics do you find more favorable than the legend?
Epicus pal, it's all subjective and probably has more to do with the way I set up the Merlin than anything else. For instance, my Legend can only handle tires up to 25mm while the Merlin can go up to 40. Currently, it's paired up with 35mm Pasela TG which are super comfy, fast rolling and versatile, perfectly at home on smooth pavements as well as trails, so I can take it anywhere. All the Ti bikes that I mentioned were bought used, rather than custom made for me. I found the Legend a bit overbuilt for someone of my size, perhaps that was a factor too. And lastly, the Merlin just plain fits me better, which is always nice. In the end, I guess it boils down to fit and versatility.

Originally Posted by Epicus07 View Post
Also, for someone of such refined tastes, I feel compelled to give you crap about that fender line and rack placement.
You can give me crap for all you want, I can take it. The fact of the matter is whether here or anywhere else, I have never claimed or confessed to be a bike snob, and if anything, I am more of a slacker and I like to stay that way. As far as someone of refined tastes, again, nothing is further from the truth. If you don't believe me, take a look at this thread, it should remove every doubt in your mind. And here's a horror picture that should scar you for life.

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