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Old 08-28-2017, 04:08 PM
rnhood rnhood is offline
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Originally Posted by Burnette View Post
I know Performance Bike pissed you off by messing up your order, but they are in between the shop/internet interface where they do both things and Amazon will do just one, internet.
The Performance Bike near me has regular group rides, the do good repair work and their prices for some things are awesome. Amazon will crush the average bike shop's clothing and gear income because some of them are forced to carry the high priced Trek or Specialized gear and clothing. The LBS will be impacted hard by Amazon well before they impact Performance Bike.

At the local Performance Bike in Greensboro, NC, before a group ride, buy some gel packets, pick up those summer arm sleeves that are on end of season sale now, have them adjust the rear mech and you're off for a group ride. Amazon can't do that, nor can most bike shops tied to the big brands and their costly goods. I think Performance Bike will be just fine. They are well positioned to weather this storm. Fear for the traditional bike shop, some are being restricted in what they can sell and they have to compete with the internet. And compete with Performance Bike.

Some people scoff at Performance Bike's stuff but sometimes you only need a tube, some gloves or socks or something for hydration and energy. As far as them botching orders, it shouldn't' happen and it's a pain in the rear. Yes, Amazon will do that better. But there is a need for brick and mortar with internet pricing and Performance Bike has nestled into that niche nicely.
Nicely stated and I fully agree. Performance Bike has several stores in Raleigh and they serve a good purpose to the biking community. When I buy a saddle from Performance via on-line, I can return it for a full refund in 30 days. Try that with Amazon. So I have to drive down to the store to return it or, fill out a return label....BFD.