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Old 07-17-2017, 12:43 PM
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572cv 572cv is offline
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I have a Meivici I got second hand a year and a half before the end of Serotta.... The geometry looked to be an excellent fit for me, and it has been. So, that is a big hurdle on any second hand bike. The bike is all the good things others have said about a Meivici, and a joy to ride. I think I got lucky in that regard. This is a beautifully conceived, well crafted and fine performing bike design. I can't think of another manufacturer besides Colnago who went with the lugged carbon approach.

Like you, I did not know what stiffness was in the tubes. The original owner probably weighed what I do, and selected something that made it pretty stiff, but not too stiff. That's how it feels anyway. I did learn later (through a dealer) that the fork I first sourced for the frame was not at the original rake, so I ordered a replacement that was correct. After that, the bike could hit the high notes. But given uncertainty, I paid stupid little for the frame, and could still justify the new fork. My two cents is to pay a low entry fee, make sure the fork is original, and take your chances at that point. With any reasonable luck, you will have a great value.
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