Thread: Rapha Core
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Old 02-23-2016, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by pgrizzwald View Post
How would you rank those bib options? Just curious.
Well, the Silverline bibs have the most compression of those 3. If that is your thing, it is not even a contest. The giro are the next most compressive and the Rapha are the least.

For the chamois, the Rapha is probably best, then Giro, then the Giordana.

For over all quality, it is harder to judge the two $150 bibs. I like the feel/fit of the Giro's better, a little less compressive, and a better chamois, but I'm not sold on the durability. I picked them up late summer, so I have less miles on them. I'll take pictures when I get home, but the stitching that holds the pad in place is just a zig zag stitch, that gives me some worries that it may not last. Also, I don't have enough time in it to tell if the pad will hold up. The rapha pad has held up extremely well.

The giordana bibs (I actually have two pairs) are ever so slightly different sizes, despite both being XL. Not sure if I got some seconds when I ordered one pair on sale, and the other pair at full retail. The cheaper pair is a bit snugger, and the chamois cuts/stitching is not as clean as the other pair. Also, I am a bigger guy and can notice that the pad in the pair that I wear more often is definitely more compressed than the pad in the less used pair.

I know that is a bit more complex than a simple ranking.

I think over all, I'd give them 1. rapha 2. giro 3. giordana. (With the caveat that I'm not a huge fan of the compression of the giordana and that may skew things, and the jury is still out on the durability of the giro's)
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