Thread: Rapha Core
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Old 02-23-2016, 01:44 PM
chiasticon chiasticon is offline
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apparently the bibs are basically the same, with cheaper-made grippers, two panels instead of three, and one type of stitching instead of three. my guess is they'll be basically the same, but might not last as long. fwiw, I'm going on like five years with my first set of rapha classic bibs... I don't see any major noticeable changes in the jersey except that it contains no wool. they've made cheaper fully synthetic jerseys for years, just not with their "classic" type of styling (they're usually kind of loud, actually).

I'm not sure whether it was Rapha that did these photos or not, but it's nice to see a more normal-sized woman in these and not a total waif. in my opinion, they haven't catered to this demographic of women well at all.
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