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Old 11-20-2015, 08:31 AM
ltwtsculler91 ltwtsculler91 is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Greenwich / Nashville / Florida
Posts: 1,334
*Real Name Julian
*Where do you live? North Jersey
*Explanation of your forum handle. Catchall for athletic forums, mainly a rower
*Explanation of your avatar...
*Age (General or specific). 24
*Occupation. Marketing Analyst
*How did you find the Paceline? Bike nerd friends and searching for info on Serotta
*Favorite Bike. That I've ridden? a Pronto
*What痴 in your stable? CAAD8, new bike coming for Spring...
*Fastest speed on your bike? Where? When? Probably mid 40s on a big descent in central NJ.
*How many miles did you ride last year? way more than I thought I would
*Picture of yourself, your ride, or both together.
*Make up an answer to at least one additional question. Why do you ride? Started as cross training for rowing while injured, then it became addicting
*What is the biggest lie you ever told? I know how fast I can go
*Tell us something fun. Cycling. This is the most fun you can have in a sport: its hard, you get fitter, and its social
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