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Old 10-11-2014, 12:43 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Spokane, Washington
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Thanks for the kind thoughts, it means a lot to me.

This year has been and will be a year of transitions and major life changes for me. Both my wife and I retired this year, which is a more major life change than I thought. After working for near 60 years it's difficult to shake the 'I gotta get up and do something' feeling and learn to do nothing unless you want to do something. There now are many times that I don't even know what day it is. As one of the characters on Downton Abbey said: "What's a weekend?"

As some of you know, my wife and I have been going to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for many, many years. Love the area of Baja California Sur, the people, food, way of life, all a pretty darn good package. When we were there this January, my wife casually asked if maybe we should find someplace down there and buy a house. So we did, a small 'palapa casita' in the village of Los Barriles, about halfway between Cabo and La Paz on the Sea of Cortez. We're packing right now and the plan is to head off this coming Saturday. It's a 2600 mile drive, we have no agenda, so our trip may take a week. Maybe two. Maybe three. This is also, obviously, a major life change. I'm not sure if we'll have internet down there. No cell phones for sure. No TV. We will be forced to live life, there's a novel concept!

At my age I hate change but I'm looking forward to change. I adapt pretty easily so it's not like I'll be swimming against a tide. Plus I tan well. The fishing is fantastic and seafood of all types abounds. It's going to be somewhat primitive compared to our normal lifestyle. The real upside is that we will be shoveling sand instead of snow in January.

No road biking in Los Barriles, there's maybe a mile or so of paved road. The rest is hardpack dirt and sand. We bought a couple of mountain bikes to take with us to continue our tradition of family biking. Being a thousand miles south of the border and a million miles away by mail, I'm taking a lot of spares and the necessary tools for bike maintenance. Maybe I could become the village mecánico de bici.

it will be different, challenging and a hell of a lot of fun!
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