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Old 02-28-2014, 11:16 AM
frieddoh frieddoh is offline
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Originally Posted by oldpotatoe View Post
Original Poster writes-"Went to LBS, they said could be lockring, could be freehub... an that I could replace either but should start with some gentle persuasion to get beyond the threads that are not catching."'

Geeez luizzz....this stuff isn't a black art..or maybe it is???
Thankfully I have enough common sense to know not to destroy something to "make" it fit. In defense of LBS, I just walked off the street and the guy tried to help... my query was oddball enough and it wasn't in his wheel house or at least in his recent memory. Now I know that there is a difference and I"ll go back to the LBS mech and tell him what the difference is... knowledge is power and all that.
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