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Old 07-12-2013, 11:56 AM
Gatorfreak Gatorfreak is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Florida
Posts: 37
* real name, if you like Jeremy
* where do you live? Gainesville, FL....Flat, hot, and HUMID
* explanation of your handle Go Gators!
* explanation of your avatar Too lazy to upload one, apparently.
* age (general or specific) 38
* occupation IT
* favorite bike Motobecane Le Champion Ti
* what's in your stable? Motobecane Le Champion Ti, Nashbar Steel Cyclocross (commuter), 90's Diamondback MTB (dust collector)
* fastest speed on a road bike? where? when? Upper 30's fairly often on a nearby overpass.
* how many miles ON THE ROAD on a road bike last year? 3,500
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