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Old 08-28-2005, 03:57 PM
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BdaGhisallo BdaGhisallo is offline
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We are young and without children. At this point I haven't given much thought to what I might do work-wise. I work for the big bank here as treasury dealer. I don't imagine there's much need for one of them out there, though. The way I envisage it, I would have enough of a nest egg when I leave to buy a house outright with no debt. I figure I could get a nice house for 250-300K if I am not too mistaken. House prices here in Bda are ridiculous. A starter family house is running about $1.1 mio USD here. I have a good amount of equity in my house so I should be able to establish myself fairly well. I don't know what I would do for work though. But owning my home outright, I don't imagine I would need a huge income to live a comfortable life. I am a simple guy with only one vice, and that is the bike. I live quite cheaply otherwise - I could eat at Subway most days of the week and be completely satisfied!!!

As some of you say, I might miss the water but I don't think too much. When I was in Ontario, apart from the ultra cold winters and the loneliness being away from family and close friends, I didn't really mind it. My wife is from Toronto and we go up there quite a bit and I really like it. If it weren't for those brutal winters and the ridiculous taxes and overwhelming socialism, I would give it a go there.

I could handle a little winter but nothing too severe. I gather that parts of southern Co can be benign. Am I right in thinking this?

At this point it is only a thought and a dream but I am enjoying thinking about it. It's a great form of escapism!

Thanks for all the feedback so far, and that to come.
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