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Old 08-08-2005, 09:31 AM
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dirtdigger88 dirtdigger88 is offline
Feel the Force
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: St. Louis Mo.
Posts: 5,111
Let the Excuses Fly

This weekend was kinda funny- I went out on sunday with a couple of my "normal" riding buddies- The beginning of the ride started with the expected "Dude- where's the Legend?" comments-

After re-explaining myself a few dozon times everyone now understood- I sold it- Not a single member of my ride acted like they understood- but thats cool- i didnt expect them too- My go fast buddies who look and ride the "pro" way are not going to understand selling a race bike

Next came the jabs for the way I have my Zurich set up now- I am trying larger tires- 27mm Ruffy Tuffys - and just to see how I like them I have two large bags on it- on in the rear on one out front- I really freaked them out with the Brooks saddle- "Dude- have you lost your mind?" "I hope your a** hurts." I heard at one point- "You're going to be to slow to ride with us- what are you thinking?"

My buddies- (dont get me wrong I like them all- and enjoy our rides) are the type who are adding every carbon bit known to man- if the part isnt uber light or at least pro approved- its just not worth having. They are just not able to understand that I am willingly adding weight to my bike-

How'd the ride go- I did about 90% of the pulls during our 45 miler on Sunday- we kept an average of just under 20mph which is good considering the stop and go nature and the hills of much of the loop-

Best comment of the entire ride was from my last buddy to pull off at the end of the ride-

"I dont understand why you are doing this- but you are NOT slower- thats for sure!"

I was waiting for that all day!!!

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