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Veloo 02-18-2019 10:42 AM

Where do you do your non PL transactions?
Just curious where other folks do their local, non-PL transactions.
I may be wrong but I think north of the border Kijiji is more popular than Craigslist.
I used to be more accommodating years ago but now I tell people that inquire about my items that I do my transactions at a mall/ McDonald's which is about a 5 min drive from home.
Had enough folks back out, ask for a lower price that I no longer venture far from home to do the exchange. For big ticket items, I go to a local police station parking lot.

I'd say more than half the people inquiring go radio silent when I tell them where to meet but I'm not really in the mood to drive through traffic to make $20, $40.

AngryScientist 02-18-2019 10:46 AM

i'm so fed up with craigslist right now i'm ready to throw in the towel.

i'm attempting to buy a cheap used truck, and the amount of scams, and flakes on CL is exhausting to go through.

if i'm selling something, i have a nice little ice cream shop down the road from me with a parking lot. i can walk there from my house, AND, i can enjoy an ice cream cone while i wait.

zzy 02-18-2019 11:17 AM

A good tip is to always require a phone number and simply call up the person and talk directly. As a seller it helps filter out all but the most determined scammers, and as a buyer you get a sense of what you're walking into and if the listing is accurate. Getting a read on someone before you meet goes a long way to ensuring a smooth transaction. I also ALWAYS have the buyer come to me. Far too many time wasters out there. If they balk on the price, which is always listed as 'firm,' I just walk and tell them to call me when they change their mind. That usually shuts down all further 'negotiations.'

Ralph 02-18-2019 11:25 AM

For stuff priced like bike parts....I still use E bay. It gets the most eye balls. You just have to understand who it favors, it's costs, and expect some issues once in a while. But on most stuff, I do best there....even with their pricing. Just set price accordingly.

And I must be the only person on earth who still likes PayPal (actually I'm not....their growth and earnings are very impressive...along with their stock price). The way it facilities transfers of funds from buyer to seller. I feel safer with them than I do my bank. And I link them to my bank account. I use PayPal to buy most everything these days....away from E bay. And the recent policy notification that some saw as some sinister plot with ulterior motive....was just a requirement from a change in the law from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

pjbaz 02-18-2019 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by AngryScientist (Post 2502639)
i'm so fed up with craigslist right now i'm ready to throw in the towel.

i'm attempting to buy a cheap used truck, and the amount of scams, and flakes on CL is exhausting to go through.

TRUTH! I tried to sell my running/driving Xterra 4wd for 500 and it was such a PITA I finally donated it to charity. Amazing how many people are full of crap and willing to waste my time.

For bike stuff, usually swaps or word of mouth. very rarely do I list other places than PL

kppolich 02-18-2019 11:58 AM

In this order for personal preference.
Paceline forum, slowtwitch forum, facebook bike groups, word of mouth/repeat customers, craigslist.

chunkylover53 02-18-2019 12:13 PM


kramnnim 02-18-2019 12:16 PM

Facebook Marketplace, you can glance over the potential buyer/seller's profile to see if you get bad vibes.

Reddit has some cool buy/sell subs that are well policed by the users...

pdmtong 02-18-2019 12:37 PM

I still use CL for cycling stuff (buy/sell) in addition to PL. Of course, PL is far far better and easier, especially for small size and dollar items.

With CL, I always talk to the person who is selling or who is buying. I want to make sure the item is exactly what is described or make sure the buyer knows exactly what I am selling. I do not want a surprise when we meet.

I used to meet at my house, but that was 10-15 years ago when the CL listings were a modest 1-2 pages a day. Now with crime out of control I don't need a prospective buyer casing my house so we meet at the local corner market.

I NEVER drive to meet a buyer. NEVER. It's a complete waste of time when that person says thanks, just looking.

Transaction is cash.

Someone remind me of the issue with a PayPal transaction at the point of sale. I recall there was a way for that to be a scam but can''t recall the details.

Gummee 02-18-2019 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by AngryScientist (Post 2502639)
i'm so fed up with craigslist right now i'm ready to throw in the towel.

i'm attempting to buy a cheap used truck, and the amount of scams, and flakes on CL is exhausting to go through.

if i'm selling something, i have a nice little ice cream shop down the road from me with a parking lot. i can walk there from my house, AND, i can enjoy an ice cream cone while i wait.

I have this F150 I need to sell...

Just sayin


Gummee 02-18-2019 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by kppolich (Post 2502673)
In this order for personal preference.
Paceline forum, slowtwitch forum, facebook bike groups, word of mouth/repeat customers, craigslist.

yeah, that sounds about right.

I've had pretty good results with the FB groups. Not as good as here, but better than CL


Red Tornado 02-18-2019 01:32 PM

e-bay & on-line retailers for both bike and non-bike stuff. Given up on CL, it's a PITA and honestly the last few go-rounds a waste of my (and the wife's) time.

mtechnica 02-18-2019 01:40 PM

I had. I thing but good experiences with craigslist back home in WA but since I moved to CA it’s an absolute horror show of scams, people selling things they know are broken, flakes, etc...

ScottW 02-18-2019 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by pdmtong (Post 2502684)
Someone remind me of the issue with a PayPal transaction at the point of sale. I recall there was a way for that to be a scam but can''t recall the details.

I think that was if they pay by goods & services but then carry the item away, so you have no way to provide proof of shipping, then they file a claim and get the money back and still keep the merch. Paypal F&F probably solves this, I think, but "cash only" is a much simpler policy.

I've done a half dozen deals through CL within the last couple weeks while de-cluttering my man cave. I do my research and price stuff cheap enough that anyone who has also done their own research will realize it's priced pretty low. I don't state "firm" in the ad, but I do ignore anyone who opens up the email conversation trying to knock down the price. It's an easy way to weed out the tire kickers, flakes, people fishing for charity, and those who think your time isn't worth anything. I've gotten my asking price more often than not, but am amenable to some dickering after the buyer shows up with cash in hand.

Usually meet at a gas station or convenience store, or if it's a Sat/Sun then a school parking lot, either close to my house or along my usual travel routes. Someplace that has a few other people around, but not so crowded a parking lot that you have trouble finding each other.

Matthew 02-18-2019 02:53 PM

Ebay for me. Have sold on Craigslist but never purchased there. Once in a while I buy from a local shop if it's something I need now.

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