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reuben 03-26-2024 04:23 PM

School me on rear lights
Some of the roads at my new place not only have no shoulder, but are twisty and turny. So I'm thinking about a rear light. I've heard a lot of talk here about Varia, so I looked, and crikey! They're hundreds of dollars! All come with radar whether I want it or not, and if I'm about to die I'd like to avoid the three seconds of useless panic. I don't want to suddenly see a large icon of the grim reaper on my computer or anything of the like.

Am I missing something about the utility of the radar? Is there a simpler and reliable option for a blinking rear light?

After 6 months of working on the new place I may be about to finally have some time to ride.

fredd 03-26-2024 04:28 PM

Really like my Bontrager Flare RT. Small, very bright, pretty decent battery life, simple to operate. If you have a Garmin head unit, you can control the light from there, too.

edgerat 03-26-2024 04:36 PM

The two things about the Varia that I like is that it changes its pattern when it picks up an approaching vehicle and that brings attention to it. I currently use NiteRider combos and the taillights have a handful of patterns you can choose. The more obnoxious the better and the combos were $100 or so for headlight and taillight. Last, some notice about impending doom is better than none

tellyho 03-26-2024 04:43 PM

Though I would not choose to spend the $$ on the Flare, I was forced to on a tour. Now that I have it, it's a pretty good light. I think you can get the same function for less $$ if you work at it or if that matters to you.

Bob Ross 03-26-2024 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by reuben (Post 3366719)
Am I missing something about the utility of the radar?

When I first started investigating Varia -- because my wife had just had her cervical spine fused from C1-C4 and now had severly limited range of motion in her neck -- I was surprised at how many cyclists who didn't have a broken neck were referring to their new Varia rear-facing radar as a "gamechanger". Seriously, that exact word seemed to be the most common superlative I encountered in every online review of the Varia. Apparently you don't think you need it until you have it...then you can't imagine cycling without it.

Full Disclosure: I do not use a Varia myself. But my wife has used hers religiously for these past ~5 years, and indeed she can't imagine cycling without it.


Originally Posted by reuben (Post 3366719)
Is there a simpler and reliable option for a blinking rear light?

I'm a big fan of the Niterider Solas, or the Planet Bike SuperFlash USB. Very bright, very conspicuous pattern, easy to mount, easy to recharge, not too expensive.

djg21 03-26-2024 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by reuben (Post 3366719)
Some of the roads at my new place not only have no shoulder, but are twisty and turny. So I'm thinking about a rear light. I've heard a lot of talk here about Varia, so I looked, and crikey! They're hundreds of dollars! All come with radar whether I want it or not, and if I'm about to die I'd like to avoid the three seconds of useless panic. I don't want to suddenly see a large icon of the grim reaper on my computer or anything of the like.

Am I missing something about the utility of the radar? Is there a simpler and reliable option for a blinking rear light?

After 6 months of working on the new place I may be about to finally have some time to ride.

Yes. You are missing something. The purpose of the radar is to alert you to approaching autos in advance so that you may keep out of the way and stay safe. I find it particularly helpful on somewhat twisty roads because it often will alert me to an approaching car before I can see or hear the car on my own. Where I am, the back roads typically don’t have large shoulders. I won’t ride without my Varia.

The only time I ever found it less than helpful, I was riding on a frontage road running parallel with and on the right side of an interstate for many miles. Cars on the interstate would constantly set the Varia off, so I had to mute it for a while.

There are a lot of inexpensive blinking rear lights available. This question reminds me of the old Bell Motorcycle helmet ad: “ If you’ve only got a $10 head – then buy a $10 helmet!”

EliteVelo 03-26-2024 05:26 PM

Yes. You are missing something. The purpose of the radar is to alert you to approaching autos in advance so that you may keep out of the way and stay safe. I find it particularly helpful on somewhat twisty roads because it often will alert me to an approaching car before I can see or hear the car on my own. Where I am, the back roads typically don’t have large shoulders. I won’t ride without my Varia.

My thoughts as well. I will never ride without it.

Ozz 03-26-2024 05:30 PM

I've been happy with my L&M VIS 180° Pro Taillight...bright (180 lumens), a few patterns (solid, blink, pulse) to choose from, sidelights...easy on/off.

Lots of folks like the Dinotte Quad, but it looks like they came out with a new model and it approaches the garmen for price.

Exposure lights look nice, but are hard to find....

Lupine Rotlicht looks nice too....but also pricey.

Best light for the price I have used is the Planet Bike SuperFlash....I have one that is probably 10+ years old and still going strong....I use it to supplement my L&M.

I suppose the radar of the Garmin is cool and a "gamechanger"....but being seen is the first function of a light...being aware of traffic helps with the rest...ymmv.

Nomadmax 03-26-2024 05:34 PM

As a life long roadie, I've never used anything other than my ears to detect cars behind me. A mirror? Aw hail naw, not on my bike or my helmet. Add to that, I'm tighter than an Amish tick when it comes to money. I recently bought a Garmin Varia radar tailight and it's a game changer. I'll never ride without it again.

Ozz 03-26-2024 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Nomadmax (Post 3366746)
As a life long roadie, I've never used anything other than my ears to detect cars behind me. A mirror? Aw hail naw, not on my bike or my helmet. Add to that, I'm tighter than an Amish tick when it comes to money. I recently bought a Garmin Varia radar tailight and it's a game changer. I'll never ride without it again.

Serious question: How does the radar alert you to a car? Do you also need a Garmin Computer? Phone with an App? Does it buzz or something?

I currently don't ride with anything on my handlebars (other than spurcycle bell and and a headlight)....I have an app on my phone that tracks routes, speed, HR, etc, but the phone goes in my pocket during a ride....

I am trying to understand how I would incorporate a Varia into my riding, and not make all the other stuff required distracting....

Maybe Oakley needs to come out with the augmented reality glasses that take a feed from the Varia and other bike computer stuff. ;)

dustyrider 03-26-2024 05:48 PM

DiNotte used to be the Paceline go to for rear blinky lights before the varia and full integration of everything possible took over. I have used Dinotte products before and found them quite good, but they are spendy. I’ve been quite happy with the Lezyne strip drive lights since I’m required to use lights for my favorite local loop they are a more cost effective alternative.

Everyone gains a sense of security in their own way from the guy I pass on my way to work that is completely invisible on his bike to the guy that looks like a Christmas tree. Each to their own!

Dave 03-26-2024 05:51 PM

I bought a cheap Blitzu from Amazon. I did it because the first time I ever wore all black, an old guy waved me over and told me he almost didn't see in time with his cataracts. I should of told him that medicare will cover the cost of cataract surgery.

gravelreformist 03-26-2024 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Ozz (Post 3366748)
Serious question: How does the radar alert you to a car? Do you also need a Garmin Computer? Phone with an App? Does it buzz or something?

I currently don't ride with anything on my handlebars (other than spurcycle bell and and a headlight)....I have an app on my phone that tracks routes, speed, HR, etc, but the phone goes in my pocket during a ride....

I am trying to understand how I would incorporate a Varia into my riding, and not make all the other stuff required distracting....

Maybe Oakley needs to come out with the augmented reality glasses that take a feed from the Varia and other bike computer stuff. ;)

It will connect to a computer, phone, or watch.

A Garmin computer will net the best experience. It makes a sound, and then shows approaching cars as dots on the side of the screen. It will show multiple cars at a time, and color codes them based on how fast they are approaching you.

I'm in the camp that thinks the Varia is a game-changer. I mostly ride on narrow twisty roads with relatively little traffic and no shoulder, and often no lines. The Varia allows me to comfortably and confidently ride in the middle of the lane. When it goes off, I give a little head turn to signify to the motorist that I see them coming, and, if safe, move over as much as possible to let them by. This greatly reduces the amount of times I have to look over my shoulder during a ride, allows me to ride further to the center of the lane, and between the Varia changing its blinking pattern when it detects a vehicle, my little head turn, and my motion from the center of the lane to the side, virtually eliminates close calls.

The Bontrager Ion lights are great as well - very bright for the size - but I only use those now as front lights and backups for my Varia.

tellyho 03-26-2024 07:15 PM

Daily commuter in suburban Boston: there's always acar behind me. Radar does not make a difference in my particular situation, but bright rear lights sure do. When the battery dies, I know instantly because cars pass me much closer. This is *WITH* steady state dynamo lights always on. It's the blinky that people notice.

As such, I've moved to lights that have replaceable batteries on my commuers (not on other bikes). Lumintop B01 for the front is pretty good. In the rear, I have a $3 Aliexpress light that takes AA. Actually works great.

thekenoshakid 03-26-2024 08:06 PM

Recent Varia convert here. To follow on the earlier comment about how the light changes flashing pattern to as a car gets closer, this seems to do something to drivers in the same way people can behave better if they think they’re being watched. I had a bright flashing Lezyne before that was more lumens, but anecdatally I feel like cars give me way more space in passing now.

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