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tuxbailey 01-02-2022 07:04 PM

Paceline 2022 Weight Loss Challenge

Well, I lost steam in the middle of the year and ended up with a net gain of 3 lbs. Hoping I can do better this year.

Feel free to add you ID and goal and aim for a success this year.

kiwisimon 01-02-2022 07:06 PM

yeah 2021 mindf#@ked me and I went to Dr Fridge for counselling. Didn't help so much. New Years are so abitary as a start date but why not. Good luck.

jlwdm 01-02-2022 07:38 PM

I started slow last year and then lost 29 lbs from June 1st to August 13th. Then ate everything in sight and gained back 16 lbs. Made some progress the end of the year and lost 27 lbs total. Lowering my target from 190 to 180.


tuxbailey 01-02-2022 07:39 PM

Sorry if people couldn't make update to the spreadsheet. Updated the permission so everyone should be able to edit now. Let me know if you encounter issues.

Kingson 01-02-2022 07:40 PM

i'm already 12-15 lbs below where i usually am at this time of year.
i made sure to do the past 2 years right.

rccardr 01-02-2022 08:44 PM

Was doing great at Down Ten until the paddleboard incident at the end of July.
Picked up five pounds between the accident and the surgery, and another ten pounds between the surgery and being cleared to ride again in December. Hoping to peel off a quick tenner and if I can manage that before Palm Springs will stick it out for the final five.
i just wanna get back to where I was six months ago…

Tz779 01-02-2022 09:00 PM

ok, i’m in!

C40_guy 01-02-2022 09:46 PM

10mg of prednisone daily is kicking my butt. While it's keeping my ALT and AST under control, my LBs is up 10 lbs.

Clean39T 01-02-2022 09:59 PM

I'm in.. down from 192 to 186 since Thanksgiving-ish. Goal is to get back to 170-175, which I haven't seen in a long time, and stay there. Intermediate goal is 180 by mid-Feb. Eating clean off the bike and fueling my workouts so I can keep hitting my power targets on the bike. Should get it done. FTP is around 290W now, hope to push that to 310-320W this year.

adub 01-02-2022 10:52 PM

Commit to more hours or mileage and the weight will follow.

Clean39T 01-03-2022 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by adub (Post 3031387)
Commit to more hours or mileage and the weight will follow.

Did 6500+ miles this year - ended just a couple pounds lighter than I started.. You can't out-exercise too many calories coming in the front door, especially as you get older and doubly especially if you've been overweight before.

I did 10.5 hrs on the trainer this past week, which is an estimated 6,650 kcals burned based on the power figures. A few deserts, some IPAs, and a side of pizza could easily unwind all of that and leave me neutral or over the deficit needed to lose any body fat. Of course there are still health benefits from the exercise but it just is what it is. We have access to very high calorie foods and it's simply way too easy to over-consume if you don't have a plan.

My goal is to primarily eat nutrient dense, minimally processed, plant-based foods off the bike - and let that naturally get me where I want to go. It always has in the past. And it also has really beneficial overall health benefits on top of that, at least for me. Win win.

fa63 01-03-2022 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by adub (Post 3031387)
Commit to more hours or mileage and the weight will follow.

I rode 365 hours last year. Burned 350,000 calories based on data from a HRM. I also managed to gain 5 lbs :) Clean39T is right; you can't out-exercise a bad diet. At least I can't, not with my genes.

tuxbailey 01-03-2022 07:23 AM

I plan to focus more on weight training in addition to riding. Hope that if I gain some muscle it would help with metabolism and more calorie burning.

My doctor is also not happy with the trends in my cholesterol number.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

madsciencenow 01-03-2022 07:28 AM

I’ll echo what Clean and fa are saying. I rode nearly 600 hours and am a couple lbs heavier than last year and am now heavier than I’ve been in the past 10-12 years (started 2021 at 183, got down to 170-173, and now am back to 183-285). One observation that I’ve made about myself is that I often ride to eat. I count my calories and then overeat or eat all the calories I managed to ride-off, even if I’m not hungry. The nut I can’t seem to crack is how to decouple riding/working out and eating more? To some extent I know I’ll need more calories but clearly not as much as I’ve been consuming.Help!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

fa63 01-03-2022 07:32 AM

I have some friends who have really good things to say about the Noom app. I am tempted to give it a try myself.


Originally Posted by madsciencenow (Post 3031438)
The nut I can’t seem to crack is how to decouple riding/working out and eating more? To some extent I know I’ll need more calories but clearly not as much as I’ve been consuming.Help!

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