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SEABREEZE 03-17-2010 10:36 AM

Ot 30 Day Trial
Since we all are use to the format around here, I thought I would bring awareness to that fact, there has been created, another sub forum for OT

I see some folks still posting OT in this forum

I just realized this myself

Hopefully this post gets everyone on track

BumbleBeeDave 03-17-2010 10:39 AM

The noble breeze from the sea . . .
. . . is correct! Please post your OT threads over, uh, there--yeah, next to the potted plant--and we'll see how it works for 30 days. I believe there are also one or more threads over there discussing the relative merit--or lack thereof--of making this arrangement permanent.


William 03-17-2010 01:18 PM

The other sticky....


Marcusaurelius 03-17-2010 06:35 PM

I think it's a great idea and I'll stick with the bike related stuff and leave the OT to others.

Climb01742 03-18-2010 05:09 AM

or in the spirit of gandhi and thoreau, exercise a bit of civil disobedience and continue to post OT threads where they general discussion.

if this stands, it will harm the forum. as someone who has seen the forum in all its stages of life, this is one of the worst ideas. each day that we have the OT section, i stop by less and less.

RABikes2 03-18-2010 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Climb01742
each day that we have the OT section, i stop by less and less.

Same here.
Change was made because a few didn't like OT threads. Instead of those in the minority just skipping over the OT threads, the majority, who had no problem moving past what they didn't want to read, now have to change so we can please a few.
The General Discussion area was that, an area for GENERAL discussion. The closeness of the forum "family" is losing its charm.

Marcusaurelius 03-18-2010 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by RABikes2
Same here.
Change was made because a few didn't like OT threads. Instead of those in the minority just skipping over the OT threads, the majority, who had no problem moving past what they didn't want to read, now have to change so we can please a few.
The General Discussion area was that, an area for GENERAL discussion. The closeness of the forum "family" is losing its charm.

I am guessing this is based on a scientific poll and not your own prejudice. I do wonder how people can just make things up to justify how they would like the forum to run with lots of iname and nasty politics with just the odd bike topic sprinkled in.

Kirk007 03-18-2010 11:59 AM

in one thread in the "other" subgroup - the steerer tube thread - there has been a strong suggestion that this resulted due to back channel bitching about OT threads. I may be reading more into it than was intended, but if this is what happened, well then I think the comments here about a few ruling the many have some legitimacy. As I recall we have had polls on this in the past and the majority voted for keeping the OT threads in general category. What about that??

And if that is indeed the case then it well and truly sucks as it indicates to me that there is not a family of equals here; rather there are those who feel entitled; entitled to air their views in private with the expectation that their views should and will be acted on without a process for the "others" to weigh in. If I want that type of dynamic I can just watch Lost.

If this is a Serotta decision then fine, let Serotta come clean and state this is how they want it and then I can respect it for what it is. But if this is the result of persistent badgering of the moderators by a few to the point of the mods throwing up their hands and saying enough already we'll try this, well, I think that is a shame and a mistake. If the majority want OTs segregated fine, but have some transparency to the process.

David Kirk 03-18-2010 12:25 PM

I don't think that there is anything nefarious going on here. I think some people would like the general discussion area to be filled with bike related stuff only and some feel that the GD area should be unlimited. It's just a difference of opinion.

I think enough people told the powers that be that the non bike stuff was stuff they didn't want to see and stuff they didn't want to wade through so the powers that be have set up a 30 day trial to see how it works and which way is preferred. I appears to me that if at the end of 30 days it's determined that most like it one way or the other then that's how it will be.

I don't understand why some are so upset. There's a reason we don't have the photo galleries mixed in with GD. It makes them easy to find and keeps them from making GD hard to navigate. Same with 'fitting" and classifieds. Separate them so that the people that want to see them can find them quickly and easily and those that don't can see what they came to see. It seems to me that it's a win-win deal. Want to see what your fellow forumites think about climate change? Click on OT. Want to see if they have something for sale that you might be interested in? Click on the classifieds. Want to focus on cycling? Stay out of OT. What is wrong with that? I don't recall there being an uproar when the photo galleries were set up. No one said they have the right to post photos of their Colnago in the GD section. They put them in the gallery and if you want to see them you go there.

What is the core issue here?


Louis 03-18-2010 12:33 PM

I agree - what's the big deal about having a separate OT area?

It's not as if OT was banned completely.

David Kirk 03-18-2010 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Louis
I agree - what's the big deal about having a separate OT area?

It's not as if OT was banned completely.

IOM you are right.......... It seems to me to be just the opposite of being banned. It seems to me that the OT threads are being acknowledged as being important and being given their own home.

It seems like all the turmoil is about the fact that people that want to see OT threads need to click one more time than before. Just like photo galleries/classifieds/fitting/events...etc.


William 03-18-2010 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by David Kirk
...It seems like all the turmoil is about the fact that people that want to see OT threads need to click one more time than before. Just like photo galleries/classifieds/fitting/events...etc.


Actually it's not. The turmoil is being caused by those who don't want OT's and bike-specific in the same area. The change wasn't brought about because people who liked it the way it was, wanted it to stay the way it was. It came about by back-channel bitching by a determined few. This was, in-so-many-words, confirmed to me by some one in-the-know.

This topic has come up numerous times before and it was shot down because the majority liked it the way it was. If Serotta had come along and said they were changing it and that was it, I wouldn't have liked it but it is what it is. But this came about by a few who wouldn't leave the mods alone, and IMO, intentionally fanning the flames in OT's. I think it's pretty obvious already by looking at the activity in both areas that OT's were a very small percentage of what was going on. Plus, with the nicer weather coming along, what was there was likely to diminish anyway.


Blue Jays 03-18-2010 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by David Kirk
I don't think that there is anything nefarious going on here. I think some people would like the general discussion area to be filled with bike related stuff only and some feel that the GD area should be unlimited. It's just a difference of opinion.

I think enough people told the powers that be that the non bike stuff was stuff they didn't want to see and stuff they didn't want to wade through so the powers that be have set up a 30 day trial to see how it works and which way is preferred. I appears to me that if at the end of 30 days it's determined that most like it one way or the other then that's how it will be.

I don't understand why some are so upset. There's a reason we don't have the photo galleries mixed in with GD. It makes them easy to find and keeps them from making GD hard to navigate. Same with 'fitting" and classifieds. Separate them so that the people that want to see them can find them quickly and easily and those that don't can see what they came to see. It seems to me that it's a win-win deal. Want to see what your fellow forumites think about climate change? Click on OT. Want to see if they have something for sale that you might be interested in? Click on the classifieds. Want to focus on cycling? Stay out of OT. What is wrong with that? I don't recall there being an uproar when the photo galleries were set up. No one said they have the right to post photos of their Colnago in the GD section. They put them in the gallery and if you want to see them you go there.

What is the core issue here?


Spoken like a true gentleman and open-minded person.
Looking forward to the opportunity to engage with you on a new frameset.

David Kirk 03-18-2010 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by William
Actually it's not. The turmoil is being caused by those who don't want OT's and bike-specific in the same area. The change wasn't brought about because people who liked it the way it was, wanted it to stay the way it was. It came about by back-channel bitching by a determined few. This was, in-so-many-words, confirmed to me by some one in-the-know.

This topic has come up numerous times before and it was shot down because the majority liked it the way it was. If Serotta had come along and said they were changing it and that was it, I wouldn't have liked it but it is what it is. But this came about by a few who wouldn't leave the mods alone, and IMO, intentionally fanning the flames in OT's. I think it's pretty obvious already by looking at the activity in both areas that OT's were a very small percentage of what was going on. Plus, with the nicer weather coming along, what was there was likely to diminish anyway.


I am one of the people who think this place is better with an OT section. If asked I give my opinion. If some have gone to the mods behind the scenes then forum politics have taken place and IMO that's how the world works. Do I like that this is the way it is? Absolutely not. I'm at the front of the line saying that politics suck. Do I think this will change and that the mods will do the 'right thing' for all involved based on their best opinions and experiences? No, I do not. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

If this is right and it's just politics taking place then you are making your displeasure known and maybe it will sway the mods. On the other hand maybe it won't. In the end it's plus/minus one click either way. Some will win and others will lose. Those terms being a bit strong considering we are talking about 1 additional click, or not.

Lastly before I get some metal work done..... I don't know that the majority has spoken and that the old way is the preferred way. I know I come here much less often and I post less often due to the OT threads and political threads. I know of people who have left this place because of the OT threads and their tone. I know others who stay away because of them. Frankly I personally find them offensive and I already find myself looking in the GD area more often now that I don't have to wade through thread titles concerning things I'm passionate about but don't want to talk about here. The majority of the OT and political threads have few folks that post over and over again in them. It feels to me that the people that really want to argue about global warming are few but if the thread is in the GD area we are all exposed to it. Just like the classifieds or galleries.

In the end it's something we share our opinion on and then accept the results. We have no rights here. This place is a gift to us and if the giver wants to change the gift so be it. If not, so be that. This is not a democracy. It's a company sponsored forum and it needs to meet their needs for them to feel it's time and money well spent. If you and I don't like the outcome there are other cycling forums out there to hang out in. Some have a GD area where anything goes and some don't. Freedom of choice is cool.


William 03-18-2010 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by David Kirk
I am one of the people who think this place is better with an OT section. If asked I give my opinion. If some have gone to the mods behind the scenes then forum politics have taken place and IMO that's how the world works. Do I like that this is the way it is? Absolutely not. I'm at the front of the line saying that politics suck. Do I think this will change and that the mods will do the 'right thing' for all involved based on their best opinions and experiences? No, I do not. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

If this is right and it's just politics taking place then you are making your displeasure known and maybe it will sway the mods. On the other hand maybe it won't. In the end it's plus/minus one click either way. Some will win and others will lose. Those terms being a bit strong considering we are talking about 1 additional click, or not.

Lastly before I get some metal work done..... I don't know that the majority has spoken and that the old way is the preferred way. I know I come here much less often and I post less often due to the OT threads and political threads. I know of people who have left this place because of the OT threads and their tone. I know others who stay away because of them. Frankly I personally find them offensive and I already find myself looking in the GD area more often now that I don't have to wade through thread titles concerning things I'm passionate about but don't want to talk about here. The majority of the OT and political threads have few folks that post over and over again in them. It feels to me that the people that really want to argue about global warming are few but if the thread is in the GD area we are all exposed to it. Just like the classifieds or galleries.

In the end it's something we share our opinion on and then accept the results. We have no rights here. This place is a gift to us and if the giver wants to change the gift so be it. If not, so be that. This is not a democracy. It's a company sponsored forum and it needs to meet their needs for them to feel it's time and money well spent. If you and I don't like the outcome there are other cycling forums out there to hang out in. Some have a GD area where anything goes and some don't. Freedom of choice is cool.


Well said. I agree with you on some points, disagree on others. That's life. In the end, it will be what it will be.


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