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a100mark 01-24-2008 08:25 AM

Laughing Bicyclist Killer.....sick!

Sick. I hope she rots. What a waste to society.......

Dan Le foot 01-24-2008 08:32 AM

10-1/2 years sounds light for murder.

Sandy 01-24-2008 08:34 AM

The judge nailed that one- "Breathtaking in its inhumanity". Tragic, sad, and pathetic-very pathetic.


caleb 01-24-2008 08:37 AM

Maybe I'll take the train in this morning...

pdxmech13 01-24-2008 09:11 AM

a repeat offender.......
is this were the problem is.

Erik.Lazdins 01-24-2008 10:59 AM

Any person who thinks this way should be put on a bike themselves. This will give them perspective and put a lot of bikes out there.

Michael Maddox 01-24-2008 11:09 AM

Fixed 01-24-2008 11:11 AM

10 years in the e.r. maybe she could learn compassion

paczki 01-24-2008 11:31 AM

She'll probably just become more callous. That's just amazing.

handsomerob 01-24-2008 11:36 AM

"Arrington's blood-alcohol content was .156 percent, nearly double Arizona's .08 legal limit. She had been driving on a suspended license for a prior DUI"

I am pretty confident that she has a "special" place reserved when her time comes.

jimcav 01-24-2008 01:18 PM

wow--why one year short of the max?
i restrained myself from listening to the recorded call--but i would like to know who or why behind the recording.

it is stories like this that make me understand and accept the idea of vengence, despite the fact i want to believe i believe in the rule of law.

sometimes i wish the gov't would just ban firearms (okay, i can concede to allow only single shot rifles) and that vehicles were resticted to fire/police/emergency/carpoolers/commercial goods transport
but that would be a different place.

SadieKate 01-24-2008 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by paczki
She'll probably just become more callous. That's just amazing.

Is the noose picture any less callous?

paczki 01-24-2008 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by SadieKate
Is the noose picture any less callous?

I would say it's less callous than laughing about someone you've murdered, but I don't like nooses either.

JohnS 01-24-2008 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by jimcav
i restrained myself from listening to the recorded call--but i would like to know who or why behind the recording.

it is stories like this that make me understand and accept the idea of vengence, despite the fact i want to believe i believe in the rule of law.

sometimes i wish the gov't would just ban firearms (okay, i can concede to allow only single shot rifles) and that vehicles were resticted to fire/police/emergency/carpoolers/commercial goods transport
but that would be a different place.

1, The jail recorded the incoming call.
2. What does firearms have to do with it.
3. You're in the military. You swore to uphold the Constitution, not just the parts that you like.

Fixed 01-24-2008 08:30 PM

the car stuff

Originally Posted by jimcav

) and that vehicles were resticted to fire/police/emergency/carpoolers/commercial goods transport
but that would be a different place.

me too bro
cheers :beer:

jimcav 01-24-2008 08:47 PM

john, chiiilllll

Originally Posted by JohnS
1, The jail recorded the incoming call.
2. What does firearms have to do with it.
3. You're in the military. You swore to uphold the Constitution, not just the parts that you like.

1--thanks--i was curious on that
2--this story made me think about needless death. guns, cars are 2 really common causes of preventable deaths, and there could be an alternate way (i know there won't be here in the USA--but as a responsible driver and gun owner i'd give up both if the mass transit and laws headed that way)
3. Go Navy--no kidding I SUPPORT and DEFEND, i just said this sort of story makes me understand vengeance--as in I'd struggle with loosing a loved one to a circumstance such as this and watch said person get 10 years for it.

just voicing my opinion, appreciate yours, but it comes across as a lecture.

Chris 01-24-2008 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by SadieKate
Is the noose picture any less callous?

Yes, it is. There is a major difference between laughing off the death of another human being that occurred at your hands while you were committing a crime and wishing/suggesting that the person who had just done that received a more severe punishment.

SadieKate 01-24-2008 09:15 PM

Sorry, perhaps I should have worded it differently. Such as "isn't the picture callous also?" It treats the death penalty as a joke. It is callous. Only the degree of callousness can be debated.

I can only imagine what her family must feel about both her behavior and pictures of nooses.

thwart 01-24-2008 09:18 PM

This is all about someone who just doesn't get it... doesn't appreciate the significance of what she's done...

She needs therapy---or she gets out in 8-10 years and does the same damn thing again.

RudAwkning 01-24-2008 10:00 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by SadieKate
I can only imagine what her family must feel about both her behavior and pictures of nooses.

Sorry. No sypathy for her.

During the conversation, the man told Arrington that an acquaintance believed she should get a medal and a parade because she had "taken out" a "tree hugger, a bicyclist, a Frenchman and a gay guy all in one shot."

Arrington laughed. When the man said he knew it was a terrible thing to say, she responded, "No, it's not."

No feelings of remorse for the victim or the crime, even after sobering up.

I wonder what the family of the victim thinks about her and nooses. I think it's a simple equation imho.

DarrenCT 01-24-2008 10:09 PM

so much for my cycling trip to arizona

too bad for that cyclist :(

jeffg 01-24-2008 10:21 PM

The lesson is that whatever point of view allows us to de-humanize people and treat them as expendable is what calls into question our own humanity

It also highlights that I am much more likely to be killed by a callous hateful co-citizen than Al Queda and that the punishment does not fit the crime here ... Just imagine I got drunk and fired a gun towards the road, hit an innocent person and laughed about it. I can assure you I would be going away for more than 10 years.

BumbleBeeDave 01-24-2008 10:29 PM

The judge may be constrained . . .
. . . by sentencing "guidelines" for the specific charge. He may have wanted to put her away for much longer but been unable to do it.

Unfortunately, it's been my experience that people with these kinds of attitudes about others don't pick them up out of thin air. Someone taught them to think like that, probably though example. Parents? Siblings? Childhood friends? I'll go out on a limb and wildly speculate that her family is probably more angry at the length of the sentence she got than disturbed by the tragedy of what she has done to another person.

I tend to think there is a special place for people like this and I fervently hope she ends up there. And no, I don't mean jail.


jeffg 01-24-2008 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by BumbleBeeDave
. . . by sentencing "guidelines" for the specific charge. He may have wanted to put her away for much longer but been unable to do it.



That may be true, but it also speaks to the charge brought in the first place. The powers that be discovered she was a bad egg after the phone call. I am speculating but I say they were late to the scene.

I have been involved in death row cases where someone of the "wrong" race got in a bar fight they did not start with the wrong person, so again I say killing cyclists is not punished as severly as it should be in our system.

As to what ultimate punishment this woman deserves, that it not for me to decide but she can only hope for more mercy and compassion than she has shown in her life to date

JohnS 01-25-2008 05:57 AM

She hit the jackpot. I've always said that our laws are screwy. If you kill someone with a car, and are drunk, you get off easier than if you are sober and use another object...

Fixed 01-25-2008 06:57 AM

bro it would be better if she were drunk on a bike
cheers imho

capybaras 01-25-2008 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Fixed
bro it would be better if she were drunk on a bike
cheers imho


Michael Maddox 01-25-2008 07:32 AM

In all honesty, the posting of the original noose picture is a knee-jerk reaction to something I consider a heinous disregard for human life. I am actually opposed to the death penalty, and am ashamed that I, too, occasionally feel so angry about a murder/rape/other that I wish the offender were summarily hanged. It makes me feel small inside.

Sometimes bigger people can more quickly step back and apply calmer reasoning. I don't think it's because they love people any less, either.

Thanks, Fixed.

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