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AngryScientist 11-12-2018 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Pink (Post 2453797)
Doesn't look good on the resume. Maybe a year or two straight out of school, plenty of the upper middle class do it, it's excusable, but, sooner or later, time to grow up.

that's an old paradigm.

people who take time to take care of themselves used to be seen as "slackers", but i think, even in corporate america, this philosophy is changing, which is a good thing.

the old "american dream" expectation that adults should get a soul crushing job, work it every day of their life, taking exactly one, one-week vacation per year and retiring when they are old and worn out is quickly fading away. people are starting to come around to realize that mental and physical health are vitally important, and actually make for more productive, energetic employees.

Mikej 11-12-2018 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by PaMtbRider (Post 2453777)
Interesting article. There are lots of couples doing or trying to do this now. Set up a youtube channel, create a blog, link to Amazon products that you "review" I think these two were / are better financed than most. Just reading the article I got the impression Mom & Dad are well off and might have subsidized the lifestyle.

Looking forward to retirement in a few years when we can do our version of van life. We won't sell the house and will probably limit it to 3-4 months of travel at a time.

Our van is set up as a toy hauler. It carries our 2 motorcycles, 2 bicycles and 2 kayaks and tows our home on wheels.


weisan 11-12-2018 08:10 AM

Nothing wrong.

Not for everyone.

Some grew up more privileged than others but not all.

Sometimes it's good to step back and take stock or try something different.

Takes courage and conviction.

Road less traveled.

Grass not always greener on the other side.

There are many templates and palette to choose from on how to live one's life.

Everyone got one shot at it...make it count....whatever that means to you.

Mr. Pink 11-12-2018 08:16 AM

Well, sure, I guess. But all that may explain why nobody has any retirement savings. Hell, most have no savings at all. Work til' you die seems to be the option. If you have a job. Must be nice to just live the dream, and, I'm sort of doing it, but, I worked all my life to save for it. It's a mystery to me how young people do it without, er, support.And then, someday, they're going to be old and poor. Young and poor is an adventure, a lark, but, old and poor is a disaster.

charliedid 11-12-2018 08:16 AM

No need to wonder how other people afford one thing or another. Life is a series of choices, accidents and luck.

I spent the better part of 6 years travelling. I worked seasonal a few of those years but I did a couple stretches of 14 months on the road all over the world the US and Canada.

How I've chosen to live my life is no roadmap for others to follow. Live it how you see fit.

I did not however own a van.

speed king 11-12-2018 08:26 AM

This would be the perfect tour! Just thinking about how many different places you'd be able to ride around is making me jealous.

Andy sti 11-12-2018 08:30 AM

I’ve got the van and an Instagram account - it’s my children, wife and work holding me back!! :)

benb 11-12-2018 08:46 AM

Who knows.. haven't looked up their Youtube channel or their instagram (don't do that one) or whatever but they could easily be pulling in $200-300k/yr of ad dollars if they have millions of followers. There are a surprising # of people making video series that seem pretty niche that manage to pull in a very nice living from it. And this is not counting the ones who make celebrity type status (Casey Neistat, etc..).

I wonder if it's coincidence these people are never ugly.

Mr. Pink 11-12-2018 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by benb (Post 2453828)
Who knows.. haven't looked up their Youtube channel or their instagram (don't do that one) or whatever but they could easily be pulling in $200-300k/yr of ad dollars if they have millions of followers. There are a surprising # of people making video series that seem pretty niche that manage to pull in a very nice living from it. And this is not counting the ones who make celebrity type status (Casey Neistat, etc..).

I wonder if it's coincidence these people are never ugly.

We live in strange times.

MattTuck 11-12-2018 09:03 AM

On the finance side of things, my buddy who is doing it is no slouch. PhD in electrical engineering.

He has a solo consulting company where he does 6 sigma, and lean process consulting. If a gig comes up, he either flies there and does his work, or they drive.

This winter, I think they're going to teach skiing in Jackson Hole to make some additional pocket money... but I'm not sure if that confirmed yet.

Honestly, aside from gas, insurance (car and health), cell phones and food, I'm not sure what expenses you face. If you're doing a lot of adventuring, then yeah, gear costs could add up. But compared to a mortgage or rent in a city, it really isn't much.

sparky33 11-12-2018 09:18 AM

ot: 4 years in a camper van
The New Yorker did an interesting piece on a popular vanlife couple.

The main points are:
The social media income isn’t large even with a big following and sponsorships.
It takes real work to cultivate and maintain that media presence.
Being photogenic is important.

thegunner 11-12-2018 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Pink (Post 2453797)
Doesn't look good on the resume. Maybe a year or two straight out of school, plenty of the upper middle class do it, it's excusable, but, sooner or later, time to grow up.

k :rolleyes:

zacstanley 11-12-2018 10:18 AM

I bought a high roof Sprinter "used" with 13k miles on it two years ago. Still had the warranty. The cost was was what some people pay for Toyota Highlanders or Tacoma's. It get's 27.5 mpg and I commute in it every day.

I've made some modest homemade mods to it; built two removable beds for our family of four, paneled and insulated some sections and installed bulk head storage. We just came back from our second 2 week camping road trip all over the southwest and it was magical. This is our preferred vacation tool but I can still get lumber and move into a new house. Plus, I'm way more competitve in the free section of Craigslist to boot. My version of hashag vanlife. by zacquillestanli, on Flickr

Clean39T 11-12-2018 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by benb (Post 2453828)

I wonder if it's coincidence these people are never ugly.


From those I've known who live and die by the social media exposure, it's a nauseating full-time job that holds no interest for me.

If being able to afford to live in a van, or do a bike tour, or live off-grid in a tiny-house means being tied 24/7 to a phone, taking selfies, composing shots, responding to tweets, etc. - count me out. I'd much rather do work I enjoy and have separation between that and the time where I get out away from things unplugged...

Clean39T 11-12-2018 10:34 AM

That's pretty much what I'm after.

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