View Full Version : A Truly Trialing Time

Dr. Doofus
07-29-2005, 11:59 AM
the state time trial is being held a few miles away from oodf's house, and he just doesn't know what to do. fyerood used to be ok at the TT, but hasn't done one ever since getting priced out of the aero wars sometime around 1991.

the fast kid makes out the schedules, the tall one is the shadowy conditioning consultant, and the jerk is equipment guru and pretty face who says "just like the doofus" fiftybillion times every dvd as you watch the doof crash, get dropped, ride lazily off the back at pack speed sometimes, cluelessly check out babes during a crit as the break goes, etc. -- with a staff like that you think the doof would do a bit better....

Big Dan
07-29-2005, 12:13 PM
A good man knows his limitations..................... :D

Sleep in........

07-30-2005, 02:55 PM
Hey doc.I bet you know this but here goes if you haven't been woking at T.T.ing it will be a most painful time, like not being able to walk for a couple of hours. Could hurt your riding for a week afterwards.Your a lot smarter than I am so take it with a grain of salt.best of luck anyway.Cheers

07-30-2005, 03:19 PM
Unless you can extract your brain for a day I would advise to avoid time trials at all costs. Who wants to ride alone and suffer at the same time - its bad enough doing stuff like this during training or off the back in a road race?
Stay in bed.

Too Tall
07-30-2005, 07:52 PM
Ask reallly nice and I'll loan you some nice clip on bars. You really don't need all that gar-bage. Can you take 2 cm out of the stem? That'd be perrr-fect.