View Full Version : This seems like an appropriate prosecutorial response

08-01-2011, 10:47 AM
Guy puts tacks on the road and is charged with 33 misdemeanor counts, one for every cyclist willing to press charges.*


A couple people were injured, but the article doesn't say how badly. At least they charged him, and that seems like a step forward.

*I'm not aware of any way in Virginia for private citizens to "press charges," so I suppose this means "promise to testify against the defendant."

08-01-2011, 07:30 PM
For his punishment, walk barefoot along 33 foot long path littered with tacks screaming "I'm sorry, I'm sorry".

08-02-2011, 06:24 AM
Relatively speaking the "injury" statement is complete BS. The Saturday morning rides that were impacted by this are a complete cluster to begin with and few folks went down due to pure panic. In this case "Injury" means a scraped knee.

Not that it makes it OK. The tensions in the area of been increasing over the last few years but this was an isolated case. It was the locals in the area that helped police catch him.