View Full Version : sheldon nut on an Edge fork?

02-22-2011, 09:02 PM
anyone happen to know if it'll fit?
i recall using an extra long nut to get more than a couple threads engaged for the front brake. i can see 13mm and 10mm available but nothing longer.

dave thompson
02-22-2011, 09:25 PM
You looking for longer brake nuts? Looky here: http://www.google.com/#q=problem+solvers+brake+nut&hl=en&prmd=ivns&source=univ&tbs=shop:1&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=A31kTfSwBYi4sQOSkKjNBA&sqi=2&ved=0CC4QrQQ&biw=1920&bih=865&bav=on.1,or.&fp=b4a69e3db245d910

02-22-2011, 09:28 PM
longer sheldon nuts, for fenders
i already have the long standard ones.

02-23-2011, 05:53 AM
I fabricated my own for a Reynolds fork.
Used 3/8" ( very close to 10mm) inch hex stock. Lathed it down to fit in the fork crown and tapped each end. Brass was the easiest material to work with.
While commonly called Sheldon nuts I think Gilles Berthoud was the first to provide this solution.