View Full Version : Summer training camps in Az?

11-05-2010, 08:29 AM

According to this study, training in heat is helpful; we will be invaded year-round now..

11-05-2010, 09:38 AM
Good to see supporting evidence what we here in Michigan have known for years. We have a group here in mid-Michigan(10-15 people) that rent a home in the Tucson area each year and ride for 10-days. We melt down at first, but eventually feel great and do well upon our return.

Love that city and area!

Bob Ross
11-05-2010, 10:08 AM
For the past five or so years my wife & I have gone to Tucson every February for a week of cycling, and it always seems to "supercharge" our riding season when we get back to New York...for the two weeks immediately after returning we somehow feel stronger, faster, more capable of effortlessly zipping through those routes that just a few weeks earlier felt like cycling through jello.

Of course, the sensation wears off after about three weeks...

Charles M
11-05-2010, 10:17 AM
Guys this is "high" heat study.

Just because there's no frozen water on the ground (beyond someone tipping over a coller of iced drinks) her in AZ doesnt mean you get the 100+degree rides you need for this study to apply :D

Our last day in the hundreds was very likely a week or so ago. We'll be between 50 and 80 till may!

11-05-2010, 12:12 PM
I did read the article and I was in-fact referring to MAY in Tucson when the temps were high. HECK, it snows in May here in the North.
