View Full Version : The Doc Got Three Freakin Days Off

Dr. Doofus
01-27-2004, 07:28 PM
Side benefit to having to tell kids "no gang signs on the desk":

Three days of ice = three days off.

Three days of the doc and I riding the freakin trainer.

But we made Danishes and a Vacherin des Fraises too, and the merengue bowl came out perfect and thats not easy in this weather even though there's nobody around but the doc, me, the dog and the mrs, and now there's 26 pastries and a merengue-strawberry-whipped cream sort of Alpe D'Huez in the fridge so its kind of cool. We bake when were bored.

Dr. Doofus
01-28-2004, 07:07 AM
The doc says for me to says:

We have a plan: 2 hrs on trainer an dthen the squat-o-rama at the gym.

THen, the important stuff. We still have lots of yeast, flour, and butter...only four eggs after that Vacherin....

So what do we, do, Serottans??? Brioche? Pain au Chocolat? Kugelhoph? Croissant? Simple cream puffs?

Like those cats that went out of syndication, lost their jobs and later became Cannondales used to say "By your command"....