View Full Version : Seeking the origins of "Fixie"

03-30-2005, 04:27 PM
To all Gladdies out there, I am seriously seeking the origins of the name "Fixie" when applied to fixed wheel bikes.
It sounds like an Aussie term, like Veggies for Vegtables, Mushies for Mushrooms and so on.
I have one answer to this ? but it may be a case of parallel thiking to others at the same time.
Any thoughts?

03-30-2005, 05:09 PM
Hmmm...I have no clue, but what about the origin of "Gladdies?"

03-30-2005, 05:15 PM
I never liked the word fixie for fixed gear bikes and try not to use it.

03-30-2005, 05:27 PM
Have you tried "Eagle-Helmet-Capt. Brown-the-IXXXI"?


FixedGearGallery webmaster Dennis Bean-Larson?

If you have a problem with approaching either one of them, I can do it for you, I don't care. :D

03-30-2005, 05:59 PM
The term "fixie" comes from the French "Fixée," meaning "fixed," as in "fixed gear."

As they say, if it ain't fixed, it's broken.

03-31-2005, 12:29 AM
I like OFS better!


Masi 3v with Phil Wood track hubs, Campy front brake & Paul lever.

03-31-2005, 06:06 AM
Hmmm...I have no clue, but what about the origin of "Gladdies?"
An old Australian term for the "audience". Dame Edna, ring a bell possums?
Or Phillipe Adams on ABC radio National.

Too Tall
03-31-2005, 08:23 AM
Nope doesn't ring a bell however kudos to your pals for all the clever things you say. Really :) I don't think American's know any French or have derived the term "fixie" from proper language rather it is slang term for "fixed gear". "Get Fixed" "Fixed For Life" "Fixe Fans" "Fixie Fever" are titles all found in local club ride descriptions in recent years...does that help? Sorta like when Auzies say Sammie.

You see...young Dazza....Americans like to shorten words and sayings to create slang so in corn-clusion Gladdies THAT is about all I've got!

Ooo how about some samples???:

Usetacould = I used to be able to
Sup? = How the heck are you?
Ah-ight = I'm feeling dandy.
Fuggly = Fu@&ing ugly

Well...I could go.