View Full Version : Tyler P.'s week with LANCE

fiamme red
01-15-2009, 02:38 PM

I got some interesting news at the beginning of the ride that I was 99% sure was a joke, but turned out not to be. As we were rolling out Lance turns to me and says: "Wanna hear something interesting?"
"Yeah. What?" I reply.
"Anna is pregnant."
Long pause, enhanced by a very confused facial expression. "What?? Are you joking?" I ask.
"Nope." He laughs. "Dead serious. We're pretty stoked about it!"
"Wait a second, I read your book, aren't you supposed to be…"
"Sterile? Yup. It's a miracle!"
"What the… That's insane! How does that even happen!??"
I was in awe. Lance proceeded to make fun of the face I had made when he told me.

What a way to start a conversation. But sure enough, when we got back, I noticed Anna Banana had a little baby bump. Crazy. Even crazier, the baby had been conceived while I was training with him in Aspen in September. Yes, I know. I am a part of this miracle. Sweet.