View Full Version : website help

07-15-2008, 01:39 PM
My wife has agreed to let me do RAAM in 2009 (silly woman). I will be organizing a 50+ mixed 4 person team and helping with the fundraising effort for our charity, Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America.

I have zero knowledge of how to create a website and especially a professional looking website. Therefore, I would like to see if anyone on the forum has website design and development experience and would like to help my team.

Will also talk off-line about compensation.

Any help would be appreciated.

07-16-2008, 09:35 AM
I've been doing web design and marketing for the last 8~ years. I'll be willing to help out but at the moment I'm afraid I'm a little slammed.

I'd suggest you register a domain via GoDaddy.com first, then we'll work from there..

07-16-2008, 11:14 AM
homestead (http://www.homestead.com/)

It's an Intuit company now. My daughter just started working there - describes it as a "Turbo tax" like tool for websites.

I could have her get in touch with you if you have questions... I gather it's website development for dummies...

07-16-2008, 11:33 AM
I gather it's website development for dummies...
I'm pretty familiar with them, and it is what you describe. I'm just a design/search engine optimization snob so I can't really give it two thumbs up. :D