View Full Version : indiana forumites, triri

06-16-2008, 11:56 AM
So I was back home over memorial day weekend to show the wife where I grew up[greenwood] and to show her the places I went to as a kid, brown county, starve hollow, spring mill. it was chamber of commerce type weather. I told the wife that this is not the normal for spring and told her of the palm sunday tornados and other bad memories. Sure enough just after we left for maryland all hell broke loose with tornados and floods.
I'm going to ride triri next week which will cover a lot of the areas that were hit. has there been a good recovery?
Also I know that there are hills in this area. certainly nothing is worse than near brown county? short and steep enough to make you puke but not long enough to really hurt.
I'm eager to be back but not looking forward to the camping so much.

06-16-2008, 12:21 PM
Many counties are still flooded bigtime although water is starting to recede....I'm sure the course will be affected unfortunately........good luck.

06-16-2008, 01:40 PM
mosquitos should be keeper size with all that standing water.