View Full Version : Maybe this explains some eBay bidding (Somewhat OT)

05-23-2008, 10:33 AM
Ever feel like you're bidding against a bunch of monkeys on flea-bay? After my wife forwarded this message, I wonder if Professor Chen could offer some insight.

Breaking News updated 5.23.08

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Trading Behavior of Non-human Primates
M. Keith Chen

Behavioral finance and economics have demonstrated systematic decision-making biases in both lab and market data. Do these biases extend across contexts, cultures, or even species? We investigate this question by introducing fiat currency and trade to a colony of capuchin monkeys, and recovering their preferences over a range of goods and gambles. We show that capuchins react rationally to both price and wealth shocks, but display several hallmark biases when faced with gambles, including reference-dependence, loss-aversion, and risk-reflection. Given our capuchins' inexperience with trade and gambles, these results suggest that loss-aversion extends beyond humans, and may be innate rather than learned.

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