View Full Version : Speculation: Ball

01-21-2008, 07:44 AM
Did Ball invite Cipollini over just for the publicity ?


Be quite sad if he let the deal fall through......

snipped gazzetto:

SANTA MONICA (California, USA), January 19, 2008 - "You have no idea in what condition I find. Project, programs, structure: all had been shared with Mike Ball. And now I see that there are problems, the scenario is different, its employees resistance. It is better that I go to vent some 'bike, before going to meet him. I asked for a face-to-face to understand definitively. OR is this contract, or go back to home. La riunione nel tardo pomeriggio di ieri della California, la notte passata in Italia. The meeting in the late afternoon yesterday in California, spent the night in Italy.

TRENDY - Mario Cipollini ha appena fatto colazione al ristorante "The Penthouse", 18° piano dell’hotel Huntley di Santa Monica, uno dei locali più trendy della costa. TRENDY - Mario Cipollini has just breakfast at the restaurant "The Penthouse" 18 th floor of Huntley Santa Monica, one of the most trendy coast. Tra i tanti supervip, l’attrice Jessica Alba ei Beckham. Among the many supervip, actress Jessica Alba and Beckham. La giornata è spettacolare, poco vento, tanto sole. The day was spectacular, a little wind, the sun. Ma nell’animo di SuperMario iniziano ad affollarsi pensieri pesanti. But in the soul of SuperMario start crowding heavy thoughts. Il clamoroso rientro del velocista lucchese, come corridore e soprattutto manager della formazione statunitense Rock&Republic, ha una battuta d’arresto. The resounding return of velocista Lucca, and especially runner as manager of training American Rock & Republic, has a setback.

INTRIGO - Mancava giusto il colpo di reni vincente nella sfida più intrigante della carriera. Intrigo - just missing the coup kidneys winning in the challenge more intriguing career. Giovedì notte, la riunione che doveva essere risolutiva per gli ultimi dettagli si è arenata. Thursday night, the meeting which was to be decisive for the final details has bogged down. Eppure, al mattino, Mario e il suo avvocato Giuseppe Napoleone erano stati rincuorati da Ball, lo stilista di moda e responsabile di Rock&Republic, che sponsorizza una piccola formazione di ciclismo con base vicino a Malibu. Yet, in the morning, Mario and his lawyer, Joseph Napoleon were rincuorati by Ball, the fashion designer and manager of Rock & Republic, which sponsors a small formation of cycling based near Malibu. Cipollini, il volto più conosciuto a livello internazionale, aveva prospettato a Ball lo sbarco in Europa. Cipollini, the best-known face at the international level, he suggested a Ball landing in Europe. Progetto di 5 anni per diventare la prima squadra al mondo. Draft 5 years to become the first team to the world. I primi nomi? The first names? Ivan Basso ei fratelli Frank e Andy Schleck. Ivan Basso and brothers Frank and Andy Schleck. Ball era venuto a salutare Mario in albergo, abbraccio caloroso, gli aveva portato anche il body della squadra. Ball had come to greet Mario hotel, warm embrace, he also led the body of the team. Poi Cipo era andato a fare un servizio fotografico da lanciare alla vigilia del suo rientro in gruppo, il Giro di California (17-24 febbraio). Then Cipo went to a photo service to be launched on the eve of his return to the group, the Tour of California (17-24 February). Questo per capire qual era il clima. This is to understand what was the climate. Il gruppo fattura 500 milioni di dollari l’anno. The group invoice 500 million dollars a year. Con le idee che Re Leone aveva pronte, il mondo della bici avrebbe fatto un salto nel futuro. With the ideas that had ready Lion King, the world would bike made a leap into the future. Come organizzazione, comunicazione, marketing. As an organization, communication, marketing. E nei piani di Ball oggi, alla presentazione ufficiale del team 2008, ci sarebbe stato il clamoroso annuncio del rientro di Cipollini. And in Ball plans today, the official presentation of the 2008 team, there was the dramatic announcement of return of Cipollini.

RIUNIONI - "Sono qui da lunedì e abbiamo fatto riunioni su riunioni - continua Cipollini -. Il problema non è Ball, non sono i miei soldi, o lo sfruttamento della mia immagine, o l’investimento (circa 10 milioni di euro all’anno, ndr), ma gli uomini che lo circondano e temono di perdere potere dalla nascita della struttura europea che io gestirei. Sono venuto qui a metà ottobre, ho cominciato a spiegare che cos’è il ciclismo. Quando ho detto che il Giro d’Italia farà 100 anni nel 2009, mi hanno guardato a bocca aperta. Ball ha corso in pista e nella vita è venuto su dal nulla. È stato lui, a Las Vegas, a settembre, a volermi conoscere, mi ha chiamato 'lo Schumacher del ciclismo'. Il progetto l’abbiamo creato insieme. Ho chiesto e ottenuto di non aver intermediari, di avere carta bianca, e me l’ha data". MEETINGS - "I am here from Monday and we have meetings about meetings - continues Cipollini -. The problem is not Ball, not my money, or exploit my image, or investment (about 10 million euros a year, ndr), but the people around him and fear of losing power from the birth of the European structure that I gestirei. I came here in mid-October, I began to explain what cycling. When I said that the Tour of Italy will be 100 years in 2009, I have watched in amazement. Ball Corsican on the track and in life came up from nothing. was him, in Las Vegas in September, volermi know, I was called 'the Schumacher cycling '. project we created together. Ho requested and was granted a non-brokers have to have carte blanche, and has given me. "

RAGIONI - I primi sospetti sono arrivati per la lentezza, dopo gli accordi, nell’apportare le correzioni al contratto, per il passo avanti ei due indietro a fine riunione. REASONS - The first suspect came to the slow, after agreements, in the corrections to the contract, the step forward and two back at the end of the meeting. "Sono stato chiarissimo anche su Sevilla, Botero e Hamilton, che avevano già ingaggiato. Ho detto a Ball che non era certo questo il modo giusto di interpretare il ciclismo, che quegli atleti (coinvolti nell’Operacion Puerto, ndr) non avrebbero mai dovuto correre nella squadra europea. E lui mi ha dato ragione, avrebbero corso solo in America. E però sono spuntate dai suoi uomini nuove richieste, tipo: Cipollini deve fare il manager anche negli Usa, si deve trasferire qui per qualche tempo. Per questo non ci capisco più niente". "I was also very clear on Sevilla, Botero and Hamilton, who had already engaged. Ho told Ball that this was certainly not the right way to interpret cycling, that those athletes (involved nell'Operacion Puerto ndr) would never have had run in the European team. him gave me reason would Corsican only in America. however, are filled by his men new applications, such as Cipollini must make the manager even in the USA, you must move here for a while. There is no we understand anything anymore. " Forse le idee di SuperMario sono apparse troppo rivoluzionarie per chi, finora, ha fatto solo ciclismo nazionale. Perhaps the ideas of SuperMario appeared too revolutionary for those who, until now, has only cycling. I collaboratori di Ball temono non di perdere il posto, quanto il prestigio. Employees of Ball not afraid of losing their place as the prestige. E lui non li vuole abbandonare. And he does not want to abandon them. "Ma non è meglio andare in due su una Bentley che su una Ritmo da soli?". "But it is better to go in on a two on a Bentley Rhythm alone?". Cipollini chiude e sale in bici. Cipollini quits and goes bike.

dal nostro inviato Luca Gialanella Luke sent by our Gialanella

01-21-2008, 08:25 AM
Cipo signed on............

01-21-2008, 10:44 AM

01-21-2008, 12:17 PM

What kind of food is that in the first photo? Apart from the apple it looks like a piece of kielbasa, a rawhide dog chew and some brown rice. BTW, those kits are seriously ugly.

01-21-2008, 01:13 PM
I'm disappointed to see Fast Freddie with that crew - I thought he had more class than that.

01-21-2008, 01:14 PM

01-21-2008, 01:34 PM
Freddie has the kind of class you get from coming up with Mapei and Domo. Just sayin'.

Tyler is a really, really nice guy, too. I have a teammate who trots that one out on a regular basis to 'explain' why Tyler just has to be innocent.

I'm looking forward to a day when nice guys won't have to make these choices. I'm hoping it'll come. Maybe the new era starts now. Riders from the Freddie and Tyler generation get a free pass, I guess. What's done is done.

I hate Rock, but I don't hate the racers.

01-21-2008, 01:40 PM
um.. you know... freddie is um... has a rep... um. oh.. he fits in. read between the lines.


First hand knowledge, just sayin'. Freaking fast as a bat outta he||, on and off the bike.

01-21-2008, 02:07 PM
. . . he could win just by scaring the other riders out of his way!

Why does that kit remind me of Team Cinzano in Breaking Away? Just waitin' till the commissaire is outta sight to stick a pump in your wheel! But maybe that was the intended effect . . .


01-21-2008, 02:10 PM
I thought he had the tattoo removed?
What a dork

01-21-2008, 02:14 PM
I thought he had the tattoo removed?
Me too... talk about a poor life choice.

01-21-2008, 02:20 PM
Me too... talk about a poor life choice.

clinger's in a good place now. that place includes two new cobra tats on his neck and a clarity he hasn't had since webcor.
he's come through some stuff and has some marks to show for it. so what?
the tats are the least of the choices he's survived.
its not like wearing a patch on your taint till you develop testicular cancer is a good life chioce either. atmo.

i just hope he has a good solid year on the bike.... and i love ball for signing him.. after letting him go last year. he's working from a different operating system than what you and i have... his server crashed a few times... but friends tell me he's rebooted and the better for it.

he's for sure been crushing all comers at the simi ride.

01-21-2008, 02:22 PM
I wish all these guys good luck. Ball hasn't convinced me to join his fan club, but I hope for the best for the riders!


01-21-2008, 02:24 PM
I wish all these guys good luck. Ball hasn't convinced me to join his fan club, but I hope for the best for the riders!


I think that is why he hired Cipollini, among other reason. :banana:

01-21-2008, 02:38 PM
. . . I know he must be sitting there by his pool just agonizing over not being on my "A-list!" :rolleyes:


Michael Maddox
01-21-2008, 02:43 PM
Hard time getting a job?

Hey, you forgot to NOT get a tattoo on your face. Yeah, on your face. You forgot to NOT do that.

Maybe it's shallow of me, but I shall enjoy rooting AGAINST such a ridiculous team.

01-21-2008, 03:13 PM
It could have been worse! . . . :eek:


01-21-2008, 03:44 PM
for some reason, i am really glad that i cannot see the guy in back of so called "freak"


01-21-2008, 06:03 PM
its not like wearing a patch on your taint till you develop testicular cancer is a good life chioce either. atmo.

That's what caused the uniball situation Swoop? Never heard that before... :confused:

01-21-2008, 08:37 PM
That's what caused the uniball situation Swoop? Never heard that before... :confused:

just matchin' one stupid thing to say with another.

Michael Maddox
01-21-2008, 09:46 PM
I guess I have the same problem with bike teams as I do with women. I can't just enjoy the view/results, I want to be able to TALK to them.

My wife says I'm a girl.

01-22-2008, 05:38 AM
It could have been worse! . . . :eek:


hows that nose thing?
get in the way when you eat pizza or what?
i like the decals though...
they wash off easily?

01-22-2008, 07:37 AM
just matchin' one stupid thing to say with another.

Sure you are. The full facial tatoo was a poor choice for expressing his personal struggles for two reasons. It is on his face. It is permanent.

Everyone has a tough time in life and no one else has the insight to really qualify those experiences because each of us is affected differently by these events. Some people struggle through an seemingly normal life while others shine in the face of obvious tragedy. This struggle goes on every day in you, me and everyone around us. How we deal with these problems internally is up to us and almost entirely subjective: impossible and impractical for others to measure. What we can, should and do measure as a society is the outward expression of those personal struggles.

Radical self mutilation like this says one of a few things atmo:

This person needed professional help for whatever was bothering them when they decided to go through with this
This person lacks the support network of friends and family that would bring or seek such help before they did this

I'm thrilled that he's got his life back on track, that he's rebooted his CPU and that he is riding well. I hope he had the season of his life. I hope the choices he makes in the future aren't as poor as the ones he's made in the past.

01-22-2008, 09:04 AM
Sure you are.

This person lacks the support network of friends and family that would bring or seek such help before they did this

you have no idea what you're talking about. its because of his support network of friends and family that he's still alive.

01-22-2008, 09:06 AM
you have no idea what you're talking about. its because of his support network of friends and family that he's still alive.

How is it that you know?
I'm jealous, it seems we have so many forum members who seem to know every pro rider personally..

01-22-2008, 09:20 AM
How is it that you know?
I'm jealous, it seems we have so many forum members who seem to know every pro rider personally..

bike racing is a small world. in a place like so cal with a high concentration of racers and good year round weather you can know a bunch of pro racers.


Dave B
01-22-2008, 09:23 AM
What "You" think is acceptable is often times only a result of close mindedness with regards to societal influences.

Many countries/faiths/religions/cultures a full facial tattoo or tattooing itself is a common, accepted, and distinguishing thing. No, it is often not seen in our culture as acceptable, because it strikes the masses as "different'

Clinger made a choice...his choice. Who besides him has the right to judge why he did it. Not anybody who doesn't know him.

Take someone who is different and put him/her in cycling, one of the most arrogant and regulated societies in sports.

Marketing dollars rule and no "respectable" company wants different. They want the clean cut image.

If Roack Racing is willing to take a chance on these "outcasts" then by al means go for it. If it is a marketing stunt, at least these guys get one more chance.

Many of you here feel it is your right to pass judgement on people and things you do not know about. Of course it is your right, but come on.

Embracing chage can be difficult for some people! :beer:

01-22-2008, 09:28 AM
How is it that you know?

why does it matter to you?

01-22-2008, 09:38 AM
why does it matter to you?

You're accusing others of not knowing what they are talking about. Why would anyone assume that you know what you are talking about?

01-22-2008, 09:49 AM
You're accusing others of not knowing what they are talking about. Why would anyone assume that you know what you are talking about?

you'll have to take my word that friends and family have been there for him to a great degree.
or you can assume i'm making this stuff up.

01-22-2008, 09:53 AM
I tried to leave but I couldn't, this place is always good for a few laughs a day....keep it coming!



Michael Maddox
01-22-2008, 10:51 AM
Personally, I think the tattoo is cool, even if it's not my own style. What I don't really like is the swaggering, bad-boy style of this particular cycling team. I never liked Cipo for the same reasons.

My own personal favorite body-mod was Enigma. If you're going to go all-out what better way than a coordinating, full-body mod?


I respect the desire to do something weird. You'd just better be ready to deal with the consequences. My own prior post was a take on a comedian whose name escapes me.

01-22-2008, 03:29 PM
What "You" think is acceptable is often times only a result of close mindedness with regards to societal influences.

Many countries/faiths/religions/cultures a full facial tattoo or tattooing itself is a common, accepted, and distinguishing thing. No, it is often not seen in our culture as acceptable, because it strikes the masses as "different'

Clinger made a choice...his choice. Who besides him has the right to judge why he did it. Not anybody who doesn't know him.

Take someone who is different and put him/her in cycling, one of the most arrogant and regulated societies in sports.

Marketing dollars rule and no "respectable" company wants different. They want the clean cut image.

If Roack Racing is willing to take a chance on these "outcasts" then by al means go for it. If it is a marketing stunt, at least these guys get one more chance.

Many of you here feel it is your right to pass judgement on people and things you do not know about. Of course it is your right, but come on.

Embracing chage can be difficult for some people! :beer:

Prez: I tend to agree with everything you say here. We're talking about making a serious choice about your personal appearance for the balance of your natural life. One could easily take the matter beyond that and start passing judgement on the people who decide to go through with something like this (it's a difficult tendancy to avoid) but so far we're sticking to the matter at hand... the decision to tatoo one's face as a member of "western" society. Like it or not, this is where we live and have to make a living.

None of us may really know what drove him to make his choice, but we can form individual opinions as to whether it was a good one or not. Mine is that it was not a good decision... for many of the reasons alluded to in your post.

Swoop: If his family and friends did indeed save his life as you say then thank God for them, but the influence/presence of friends and family shouldn't begin and end with simply keeping us alive, should it?

01-22-2008, 03:46 PM
Swoop: If his family and friends did indeed save his life as you say then thank God for them, but the influence/presence of friends and family shouldn't begin and end with simply keeping us alive, should it?

why do you presume it stopped? if you must know .. you're welcome to pm me... i'm just asking you to stop assuming in print, cached and searchable when you have no idea and have done nothing to help.
you don't know the half of it.

01-22-2008, 04:00 PM
you have no idea and have done nothing to help.
you don't know the half of it.
True enough. I don't know any of it. Hope it all works out for him.

01-23-2008, 02:03 AM
I usually wave or say Hi to other cyclists while I'm riding. A lot of them just look at me and keep going. That guy actually said Hi back. For that alone I give him a thumbs up.

01-23-2008, 06:37 PM
Clinger video.
