View Full Version : gallery picture help

12-30-2003, 11:52 AM
Could someone please put step by step directions on how to get pictures to the gallery? I'm not computer savvy enough to figure this out on my own and have spent the last six days trying without success. I've given up trying to do this on my own so the monster 64 cm Ottrott ST posting will have to wait deep in the bowels of my computer until then. Thanks.

shazer (I'll teach you how to use a slide rule)

12-30-2003, 12:23 PM
Check your image on your computer to make sure it fits the regulations. No point in trying to post it if its too big.
File size must be smaller than 100 kb and less than 800 by 800 pixels

Go to the Serotta gallery
Start a new thread

Scroll down to the bottom of the fields, you'll go past the "message" field.

At the bottom there's a field called "Attach File"

Click on Browse, a Choose file window should open showing your computer's files, surf around your computer until you find the image you want to post. Click on it and click on "OPEN"

The file name location (something like C:documents/yada yada) will appear in the Attach File field.

Click on Submit new thread

and you'll be done...

12-30-2003, 01:24 PM
I've got to the part of loading the picture to the message section, but when I preview I don't see an image. Just a little box with a red x in the corner. Is this normal? Will a thumbnail appear? Can I get two images to the same thread if they are still within the criteria of the pixel and file size? I have two pics and have been trying to get them both on one message. Am thinking this is the core problem in the posting, but not sure. Thought it would be easier for all to see both together, if possible. Thanks for helping me!


12-30-2003, 03:06 PM
I'd do as others have done and post twice in the same thread. Once with one pic and once with another pic.

Did you just get to the picture with the red X and cancel?

I would double check the size. Or perhaps if you're doing this from work you have a firewall or something.

What size are these pictures again?

If I were you, I'd double check the size of the image, go through the motions and actually post the thing. We'll understand if it doesn't work. If it doesn't work, then I'd email Alyson with a link to the post and ask what's up. Sometimes someone on the control side can just say "X is happening, do this instead".

Heck, when I attach an image and do a preview of the post...nothing shows up.