View Full Version : Wrong Message?

Keith A
12-11-2003, 04:02 PM
I ran across this image on one of the cycling clothing websites today while I was looking for something to keep my head warm. While I can fully appreciate what is taking place in this image, it bothered me to see this company promoting this. With the amount of road rage and rude behavior on the road already, we don't need cycling companies fueling the fire.

What do you think?


12-11-2003, 04:11 PM

I think you didn't see the caption. It said, "I floss everyday, see. How do your teeth look?"

Seriously, I agree with you, but I couldn't resist.

12-11-2003, 08:52 PM
I think I know that guy!

Just kidding.

I can't say that I haven't tapped on a few windows in my day...but it has been when a car has totally cut me off as it stops at an intersection on my commute in the morning when I have the right of way, the window is right there, I tap. I don't chase anyone down though. I guess they're more awake in the afternoon on my way home, because I don't come accross as many windows that require tapping on.

I hope I don't look like that when I do it! I try to smile and wave (not just with one finger).

I guess it would be correct to agree that they shouldn't promote these things...