View Full Version : why waste it?

09-14-2007, 06:01 AM
asks swoop, when he heard that there were 4 liters of jan ullrichs blood stored in the prosecuters office in spain.
" I mean, really, I could use the jump and what will they do with the blood? dump it? makes no sense. my season could start with a bang if i just had 2-3 extra liters of blood coursing through my veins carrying extra oxygen..."

4 liters? sounds like a lot of blood to me.
my advice to swoop..at least make sure the blood type is similar...other than that i think the idea is as sound as any of your other schemes and theories.

09-14-2007, 07:13 AM
bro you might get the stuff with the xtc in it
cnn said he never took dope last night

09-14-2007, 08:50 AM
stevep.. get out of my head, man. you're freaking me out. oh, can anyone translate an email i wrote to fuentes from engish to spanish to german.
how do you say, 56 popsickle sticks and 6 ice cube trays?