View Full Version : Happy Fourth?? Off Topic...

07-06-2004, 12:56 AM
So last night I went down to the Willamette ( pronounced Will am et) river to watch the fireworks here in lovely little Portland. As they started and began to explode in the sky, I could not for some reason feel patriotic, or proud to be an American, instead it began to occur to me that Americans may be perversely obsessed with blowing things up , be they fireworks, or laser guided bombs, or cruise missiles or small new tactical nuclear weapons.
Hmmm.... I thought, all these explosions would be terrifying if the were in fact bombs and rockets and missiles, and my city were under siege by a foreign occupation force. It would be outrageous if my city were being blown apart by bombs from a fraudulent foe.
It is a good thing that I am an american and I am on the other end of buttons!

God bless America, and all who live within her mighty borders.


07-06-2004, 05:01 AM
The world is currently a scairy place.


07-06-2004, 01:28 PM
It has always been thus :-(