View Full Version : Just a reminder

06-05-2022, 06:37 PM
ALWAYS look both ways and never trust a green light.

I was hoping to post video footage of the vehicle that blew a red light, but the battery on my Fly12 had died just before reaching the intersection. I’m bummed I can’t record longer rides with Cycliq products, even on the lowest energy usage settings.

I was finishing up a ride earlier today, going on five hours, and got a green light about 300ft before reaching Saint Francis here in Santa Fe. Traffic was very light, Saint Francis is three lanes on both sides. As I get over the white lines, to my left here comes a speeding Saab, easily 40 miles an hour, driver appeared to be looking straightahead, downward. I couldn’t tell if he was looking at a phone or what. I skidded to a stop avoid being killed. I looked up at my light again to make sure I had the right of way, green as ever. He blatantly blew his red light.

I then looked back to about 4 o’clock to a gentleman driving a Subaru that I knew was making a right hand turn. His window was down and he shouted “Oh man!“. Wow, I said. He said stay safe as he drove off.

Stay alert, keep your peripheral view sharp, be aware, stay alive.

06-05-2022, 06:42 PM

Glad to hear you reporting this in from your couch and not the hospital.

I've witnessed a few accidents where drivers are trying to beat the light, just not worth it.

06-05-2022, 06:45 PM

Glad to hear you reporting this in from your couch and not the hospital.

I've witnessed a few accidents where drivers are trying to beat the light, just not worth it.

Very scary. There is beating the light which is expected, but this was dangerous negligence on the driver’s part.

Spaghetti Legs
06-06-2022, 08:02 AM
Years ago, living in Memphis, I got into the habit while riding and driving, of never pulling out from a green light without hesitating and looking both ways first. I couldn't count the number of times cars blew through red lights like there wasn't even an intersection, much less a light. This was before cell phone distraction was even really a thing.

06-06-2022, 08:11 AM
Years ago, living in Memphis, I got into the habit while riding and driving, of never pulling out from a green light without hesitating and looking both ways first. I couldn't count the number of times cars blew through red lights like there wasn't even an intersection, much less a light. This was before cell phone distraction was even really a thing.

I see this EVERYWHERE now. All over NYC. Saw it in RVA. Saw it in Kentucky. Saw it in Cleveland. People in giant SUVs just blowing through red lights. That's one way to prove a point... whatever that point is.

Heck, in the Bronx, people were literally honking at us while stopped at a red light for not blowing through it. Unbelievable!

The post-BLM refusal of police forces to enforce traffic laws has predictably led to skyrocketing civilian deaths, and it doesn't appear that political leadership is interested or able to do anything about it. I called my city councilwoman, whose representative literally told me on the phone that "the police don't listen to us. We have no power to make them enforce the law." So that's the situation we're in.

Anyway, keep your head on a swivel out there...

06-06-2022, 08:18 AM
...and keep an eye out for other road users too! Yesterday, I had a runner start into an intersection at the bottom of a double-digit downhill grade. I was on our tandem and very thankfully am wary of this intersection. Instead of flying through the intersection (where I had the right-of-way) at 50 MPH, I was only going about 20 MPH. I had just enough time to slam on the brakes and avoid the runner while screaming at him to get out of the way. Wasn't sure if he was wearing headphones/earbuds or just not paying attention. Either way, be careful out there!


06-06-2022, 08:39 AM
Yeah I learned that the hard way. I got side swiped by a 16 year old girl who just got her license. This was before cell phones so I don't know what distracted her. Totaled my fathers car and fortunate I was not injured.

I would add look both ways when crossing a one way street too. I was crossing a one way street once when I hear skidding, and some how the driver was still able to angrily honk his horn during the commotion, and he was also able to yell, "get out of the road you #%$^* idiot!" and then I pointed at the Do Not Enter one way sign that I was literally standing under and he flipped me off and drove off. LOL.

Be safe y'all.