View Full Version : Regenerative medicine for lumbar back stenosis

11-27-2020, 06:57 AM
I, like many of you, have lower back problems. Mine is stenosis from disc degeneration. I will be getting a combination of bone marrow aspirate stem cell and PRP in the New Year after things calm down. I have had a couple of consultations with Dr. Wenchen Qu out of Mayo and wanted to pass along some of what the future holds in the next few years according to him. There will become available genetically modified stem cells that are more robust and don't need as much of a blood supply to flourish. These will be injected into damaged discs. There will also be actual discs that are grown in a culture in the lab for replacement of damaged discs. I hope this helps some of you.

11-27-2020, 07:18 AM
... There will also be actual discs that are grown in a culture in the lab for replacement of damaged discs....

wow! #science #knowledge

11-27-2020, 09:08 AM
To the OP: will your insurance cover this? If not, can you ballpark the cost? Any stats on likelihood of success?

11-27-2020, 11:08 AM
At this time I have Kaiser insurance and they do not cover it. At Mayo, it will be $7500 which will cover 6 injections. For me, that will be three levels on both sides. L2-3, L3-4, and L4-5 facet joints. Dr. Qu has told me he believes that given my back and anatomy he thinks there is a good probability of success. This would be measured by pain management. The goal being to manage the pain non-surgically until the above procedures are available.

11-27-2020, 03:42 PM
If I was in a lot of back pain on a regular basis from discs $7500 wouldn't sound too bad.

That's barely more than one overpriced bike and must be a heck of a performance enhancement. :banana: :hello:

Good luck!

11-27-2020, 04:03 PM
Here's to success for you on this. Back pain is so wearing and debilitating.
Also thanks for the update on what might be available "soonish".

11-27-2020, 04:23 PM
VERY interested to hear how this goes.

Good luck to you!