View Full Version : Segment Cup

07-24-2020, 10:21 PM
Hey all,

I know that racing isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I wanted to pass along something that has been a lot of fun challenging people to set new PRs and virtually race against their friends and locals over the past month given there are no actual mass start events.


Segment Cup (it's free to make one) allows someone to pick up to 10 segments on strava and have people compete on those segments. This competition is all solo efforts; so perfectly timed given the covid situation with regards to group riding.
We had A LOT of fun as a local cycling community during the first challenge, which lasted two weeks. https://www.segmentcup.com/cup/LittleRock1
As more people entered, it became a game to figure out which segments you thought you could improve on, and at the same time, overtake your nemesis to bring them down in the standings.

I challenge someone else out there to start a Segment Cup in their town. You'll be surprised at how much fun people have turning themselves inside out to beat their ridding buddies.

Ride on!